Chapter.9 The Journey Begins

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They don't look very evol...ohhh. -Quick Alex, this way.- What? whoa, before I can ask further, Sid dragged me forward, just as the trio started glowing. We actually pushed past them, and entered the archway which turned out to be the biggest hollowed out log I ever seen. We ran through the tunnel, into the blinding light outside.

I can't believe we did that? Isn't there a rule about staying when a pokemon evolves? -Are you that stupid? We probably could have taken them as they were despite the possible power difference, and the fact they knew our every move, but at least we stood a chance with the healing berries in our pouches, but evolving?! We're just lucky that they decided to evolve without first resting. Evolution is always slower when your stressed, and sleep deprived. You didn't see it, but It was obvious they were telling the truth about training without rest for three days. That was when I knew we could either win, or have to run.-

Did you know all three of them were going to evolve? -No, but I figured it was a possibility if they trained that long. Two of them were alot stronger then you, though I was surprised to see that weak Fomantis surpass me in power. He must be insane to train that hard in a week. I could have taken him one on one, but three fully evolved pokemon, against two not fully evolved? Didn't like the odds.- You would know the odds wouldn't you, since you used to be a bit.. -Don't you say it!- .........Oddish.

I didn't know where I was going, only remembering what Oranguru said about a wind blowing down south, and for us to catch it. I found the breeze, didn't stop to look at the weird colorful triangle, and Z shapes attached to poles, and just dashed for my life. I came to a cliff, and jumped down it. It was only a meter or so drop. Like four feet down. The second cliff coming up was a tiny bit steeper, but I didn't want Sid's wrath, and I jumped down the second cliff.  -Get back here Alex!- 

There was large brown boulder to my right, and in the far distance, a pokemon center? Out here? Regardless, I had an idea. I hid in the grass. Sid found me anyway, but by then, he was alot calmer. -Gasp...gasp...good idea...Alex, they probably won't find us if we stay hidden...gasp.- Do you really think those three idiots will come out here? -It's possible, they didn't seemed to be thinking clearly. Ironic, since there are Fomantis, and Trumbeaks naturally found in the tall grass here. I fought a Fomantis here once. She was quite a fury. Now that those three evolved, they'll stick out like a sore thumb.- ,,What's a thumb?,, We turned around to see a cute puppy like pokemon. 

It had similar colors as the puppy pokemon I saw being commanded by that trainer, but it's face was flatter, and fluffier. It's eyes weren't blue, and the tail was alot smaller, and alot less fluffy. - Oh don't mind me Lillipup, it's this thing I heard from my ex-trainer months ago.- Hey Sid how do we pick stuff up without fingers?

-Your guess is as good as mine, stuff just kind of sticks to my hands when I want it to, and I let go when I don't want it to stick.- Me too, me too, could it be sap, or maybe super tiny hairs like like...I can't remember. I tend to ramble when I'm PANICKED! I feel like someone told me about how there is a pokemon that can climb walls using sticky hands. I...  <<I can't see them from here Fo, I think we lost them.>>

-Shhh, stay down, I'm going to reach my pack and pull out a blanket to cover ourselves with, don't move.- Just like that, we were covered in a sheet of glued together leaves. :Keep looking Toucannon, they couldn't have gotten far. That Sid will especially stand out with his Red flower on his head. I know your not color blind. Surely you can tell the difference between red, and green!: <<Uhhh, Fo, I think we should move on, Some trainers are looking up at me now. Getting caught wasn't part of the plaaan.>> :Stupid, stupid, Do I have to do everything around here? Fine let's retreat for now, and head east. We can avoid trainers going that way. No path for them to follow.: <<What about Parasect, we can't just leave him like that?>> :Forget him, he's useless to me like that. He should have fought harder against the mushroom for control, now look at him. He's basically a zombie now! Let's Gooo.: They really left him Sid.                      ::..Too...bright...find...darkness...Must spread...spores...::

I felt really bad for Parasect, sounds like some pokemon would want to avoid evolving just as much as me. Can't we do something Sid? -Sigh, no. Once a paras evolves, the mushroom takes over their brain. It's rare for a Paras to stay in control after evolving. It's just the way things are. Remember what I said, there is no honor in nature, and in wild pokemon.

,,Can I come with you?,, -No offense Lillipup, but there are three problems with that. Number one, we are going to see Tapu Lele, and involving you in that would be irresponsible. Two, is the problem with feeding you, and the fact that we don't have a third pouch for you to carry any supplies you need. Not to mention you only have your mouth to pick things up with. Three, and I can't stressed this enough, Your sense of smell might have come in handy if it wasn't for the fact that our scents can be a hinderance to that. I'm told I stink, when I'm stressed, while Steenee balances me out with her sweet scent.- Hey, My scent isn't that sweet? -,,Yes It Is!!,,- Sid and Lillipup both laughed afterwards.

Hey, it's not that funny...guys? ,,I guess I understand why I can't come, but I'll just train and get stronger until I can join you. I hope to see you again someday.,, I doubt it will be anytime soon. Good luck though. With that, the Lillipup ran off into the west, not knowing where he was going at all. -Isn't that the place where the water trial takes place? That was the last Trial me, and Rachael went to before I ran away.- Sigh, something tells me this is going to be a long journey. I suppose we might even see some things along the way that remind you of her. -Heh, I guess I'm not completely over Rachael am I? Was it that obvious?-

I roll my eyes at the stupid question. It's like you imprinted on her, or something. We stay close to the walls, and we begin our Alolan Adventure. I still need to find the answers to how I got here, and it looks like Sid needs some closure, so he can actually start moving forward in his life. I just didn't realize how soon some of that closure would come. As we headed to the next area we came upon a huge pasture, full of white picket fences, and an abundance of large four legged pokemon galloping around. Sid stopped in his tracks and stared at the ranch. Sid? Sid are you getting flash backs? At LEAST LET ME SEE THEM!

...This seems like the start of a beautiful journey Maui. With your evs and talents, we'll crush these trials and defeat the kahunas one by one. It's a big world out there, but I'll train you till your the best. You were bred for this, and I know you'll do me proud. First stop is Melemele Island...

Sid? I'm feeling uncomfortable watching you stare into space Sid! -Alex...this was the ranch, my mother laid my egg at, This is where I was born.- All I can say at that point was...oh!

15: Your majesty, another Steenee has left the territory... \@/ No matter, the ceremony is not for another five days. A few Steenees think they can get strong enough in that time, but non ever do. 34: You sure you don't want to summon her back, we could easily go look for her. \@/ That won't be necessary number thirty four. In five days time, I will summon the Steenee here anyway. If they don't answer my call, then we will find out soon enough...

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