Authors note

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Hi guys (insert awkward smile here)

I know I keep disappearing off the face of the planet. Please forgive me 🙏🏻. I promise I haven't forgotten about this story or the readers. Just trying to make it through life if ya feel me 😅

Anyway, I just want to thank you guys for your support, and to those of you who I have been talking to directly, thank you for your help. Really, this note is going to consist of voting for the future of this story. I am going to lay the questions out and please don't hesitate to vote and put your opinion out there. Everyone is more than welcome to join. All I ask is that everyone involved, be nice and respectful to me and your fellow readers. So let's begin.

What do you guys think about Sam and Ember? Should they be a couple?

Who would you guys like to see more of? Enemy and ally alike.

Should I give love interests to the rest of Team Phantom? And who?

What do you guys think about making this an Mpreg?

That's all for now! I really hope to get some feedback soon and hear from everyone! 😁

A Dash Of Hope (Dash X Danny)Where stories live. Discover now