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On the previous chapter:

"Shit" was the last word i said before the truck hit me. I passed out making everything turn black.
"Where the hell am i?"


Aliyah's pov

"Where the hell am i?"
Everything around me was a dark shade of blue. I kept looking around, but everything was just the same. Dark blue.

'Why am i here?' I thought to myself. 'Didn't i just die or something?'.

Suddenly there was a very bright white light. It was so bright it almost blinded me.

'Is this where i go to the afterlife?' I asked myself while putting my hand infront of my face. Shielding my eyes from the light.

'You know what, i'm just gonna walk towards it'. I thought making my way to the light.

Somewhere in the woods

3rd pov

A loud gasp was heard followed by a few coughs.

"(Cough) Huh? Why am i o- ahhhh" The short haired girl said before she fell down the tree. Falling on her butt.


"Well that hurt" she said rubbing the sore spot on her butt. Looking down at her clothes she saw she was wearing different clothes then before.

^in picture above are^
^her clothes^

"Well the clothes are not bad tho" she said to herself outloud.
"But where am i". 'Is this the afterlife' she thought while looking around.

After a certain point she started walking around the woods when she came to a clear point. She saw two men talking to eachother.

'Okay just walk up to them and ask: Do you know where i am, simple right'. 'You can do this' she kept hyping herself up to ask them. She walked up to them and tapped on the shoulder of the man closest to her. The man had gray, almost white hair that was somehow defying gravity. The other man had black hair with a bowl cut and a green jumpsuit.

"Uhm excuse me" she asked the man. Kakashi turned to her. Looking down at her he asked: "yes, can i help you" he asked a bit suspicious that a young girl is wandering around the woods alone.

"Uhm yeah, uhm, do you, like know where i am" she asked the man infront of her. Struggeling to really coming out of her words

"Well my youthfull child. You are almost at the gates of konohagakure, may i ask why your wandering around alone?" Gai asked her.

'Shit how am i supposed to answer that. I can't just tell them i died, walked to the light and then ended up on a tree'. She said to herself.

"I ran away and got lost" she said looking down at her shoes, sighning.

Kakashi and Gai looked at her then at each other.

"Should we take her to the hokage?" Gai wispered to Kakashi.

"Yes we could interrogate her if she's actually saying the truth" kakashi wispered back.

Time skip to the
Hokages office

Kakashi, Gai and Aliyah were walking to the hokages office. Kakashi knocked on the door and opened it when he heard the hokage say "come in".

"How can i help you Kakashi, Gai?" asked the hokage.

"Well we found someone wandering around in the woods" Kakashi said before he stepped inside so the hokage could see the girl behind him.

"Hi" said Aliyah behind him while akwardly waving at the hokage.

Hokages pov

"Hi" said the girl behind Kakashi while waving at me.

'Hmm she looks kinda familiar'

"May i ask what your name is and what you were doing in the woods?" I asked the girl

"Well my name is Aliyah Ignatius and i was in the woods because i ran away and got lost" answered the girl. My eyes widened a bit after hearing her name.

'Wait is this Elijah's daughter?'
'But how did she come here after disappearing with her mother for 13 years?'

"May i ask what your parents names are?" I asked the girl that might be Elijah's daughter

"Uhm yes, my mothers name is Claire Moore and my fathers name is Elijah Ignatius, but i have lived with my mom since i can remember" answered Aliyah truthfully.

'So she really is Elijah's daughter. I wonder where her mother took her?' I thought to myself.

"Okay i believe you" after i said that i saw her eyes widen a bit.

"Thank you sir" she said while bowing to me.

"Gai" i said

"Yes hokage sama" he answered

"Can you find a appartment where Aliyah can stay in?".

"Yes hokage sama"

Aliyah's pov

"Gai can you take Aliyah with you so i can talk to Kakashi" the hokage asked Gai.

"Yes hokage sama" he said
"Follow me my youthfull child" he said to me while happily jogging out of the room.

"Oh yes" i said while jogging after him and closing the door behind me. He was already ahead of me so i ran after him untill i finally stood beside him.

"So there is a appartment close by just follow me". Gai said to me

While looking to the side i didn't notice a boy running right at me. I started turning around untill i was met with a boy with bright yellow hair. We both fell down, but when we looked at each other, time seemed to stop for us both.

"Wow" we said at the same time.

Finally the second chapter
892 words. The end was inspired
By the power of romance

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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