Chapter 6: Attack of the crazy Uncle

Start from the beginning

"I doubt that you'll learn my name before you get out of the Academy." Toshiro then felt someone shaking his shoulder and opened his eyes to meet his Kaa-chan's golden ones.

She smiled and helped her son to his feet. "About time Shiro-chan, its time for dinner and we're having some visitors with us today."

Dining Room

The Dining room was filled with chatter as the people chat and ate. Toshiro and Byakuya were chatting with each other about the school courses, Yoruichi, Kuukaku, and Unohana were discussing about how can Kido be adapted to certain situations, Tessai was silently eating. Kisuke and Isshin were stuffing there faces while Soifon, who was sitting between Yoruichi and Toshiro, glared at him unaware that she was cracking a cup in her grip.

Swallowing his food, Kisuke decided to ask Toshiro about his Zanpakuto. "So Toshiro have you made any progress in learning your Zanpakuto's name?"

Everyone's attention turned to Toshiro who just sighed. "No, he's being really stubborn about it."

"You know I could help learn its name," Kisuke said, hiding a grin behind his trademark fan which he pulled out of nowhere. "After all, I helped Byakuya gain his Zanpakuto's name."

Toshiro looked at Byakuya who nodded his head and looked at his uncle. "You can help me learn my Zanpakuto's name?"

Kisuke's grin widen a bit. "Absolutely! When have I ever lied to you?"

"When you tried to take me to the hot springs when I was nine just to get the attention of the women there." He deadpanned, remembering how once those women took one look at him, they rushed over to him and began pinching his cheeks saying how cute he looked.

Letting out a nervous laugh as Yoruichi gave him a glare, he quickly changed the subject. "Anyways I'm sure I can help learn your Zanpakuto's name with my secret training method."

"No." Everyone looked at Yoruichi in surprise. "But Kaa-chan-"

She looked at her son with a hard look, cutting him off. "Toshiro I'm not going to let you take Kisuke training method because its suicidal."

"Aw come on Yoruichi," Kisuke argued with her. "My training method isn't that dangerous." Yoruichi silence him by throwing her chopsticks at his right hand, an inch away from impaling him.

"Have you forgotten that your 'harmless' training method put Byakuya in the Fourth Division for a month. Your lucky that it was Byakuya himself that asked you to help him otherwise you would be put in jail."

Toshiro looked at his friend with his eyebrows raised who smiled sheepishly. It seems that he left out that little detail.

"Come on Kaa-chan I can handle it." Yoruichi reached over and flicked her son on the forehead, making him grab his head in pain. "Your strong and smart Toshiro, but I can't let you do something this dangerous."


"End of discussion." He sighed, let out an "Hai Kaa-chan", and went back to his food. The rest of the meal continued in silence.


"You want me to do what!" Isshin yelled/whispered as he and Kisuke walked away from the Shihoin manor. "Come on Isshin, beside don't you want to help your little nephew learn his Zanpakuto name?"

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