Minsung - Little Respect

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That's why Minho was here, in the middle of the living room sitting like a doll amongst the other toys scattered around him that he wasn't allowed to as they weren't his, they Felix's and Jeongin's. Of course the other two little's would regress on their free day. Who was he kidding, they always regressed.

Minho knew the littles didn't do anything wrong but he started to dislike his presence. Because of them, the other members found him weird, or maybe he naturally had a personality you would hate. And to be honest, Minho wouldn't blame them.

What he will blame, however, is the fact that the two littles weren't letting him play with them. He's been on the carpet for two hours now with his hands itching to touch the objects his little heart desired, but the others weren't letting him. It was only the three littles present in the hall and due to the other two being at an older age mentally, they decided it would be okay for them to order Minho around, which ended up in Minho not doing anything at all.

"Can I play with the cars now?" You could hear how Minho's voice has gone a few octaves higher and the slight rasp in his voice from not drinking water.

"You asked that for the 100th time Minho and we said no. Go get your own toys."

"I can't!"
Minho does have toys but he always locked them away during promotions in the box on top of his wardrobe: he couldn't get it because Jisung had the key and he knew he wasn't allowed to touch it without telling Jisung.

"Well, that's too bad. Nah my problem." Jeongin shrugged it off as he carried on playing with Sofia the first doll.

Minho wasn't a snappy little, but being on edge for so long put his patience level, which was unimaginably excellent, to 0. He reached over the dollhouse and snatched the toy in Jeongin's hand, taking it away from him.

"It's my turn!" Jeongin turned to Minho as he glared at him and tried to snatch it back, but Minho had a strong grip.

Felix saw this and decided it was a good idea to throw a block a Minho. Of course, it was quite a stupid idea someone was bound to get hurt. And obviously, that person would be Minho. The block came and hit him straight in the head startling him.

Minho started sobbing badly, not because it hurt, the last thing he would do would be crying because of pain, no. One of his members hurt him. He would have understood if it was one of the other members, but it was Felix, the one he adored and cared for. He even was his caregiver temporarily when the other members were busy with their private schedules.

Hearing the loud sobs in the room, the rest of the members rushed into the living room hoping Jeongin or Felix didn't get hurt. A disgusting sigh of relief was all they had to offer when it was only Minho crying. Minho didn't notice the fact that the elder members didn't care as he tried to explain what happened but was sobbing too much to formulate what happened: So Jeongin took it upon himself to explain what happened.

He told the truth. Luckily. And Felix was quick to say how it was an accident and that he didn't mean to hit Minho.
Minho hearing this calmed down a bit, knowing his little friend didn't hate him like the rest. However, life had to be against him as Chan decided Minho was to go to time out as he was the one to start the commotion and snatch it out instead of calling them or asking politely. Only he got time out. The other two were brought into Hyunjin's room so they could all play while Minho did his time out.

The sad part of it all was that Minho didn't even complain. He knew there was no point fighting his temporary "caregivers" as even if he was the most innocent out of them all, he would still be punished. Because they hated him. Everyone hated him so he couldn't even hate them for hating him. He understood why they hated him. He understood that he shouldn't have been brought back to the group.

He understood that he was useless.

So he went to the corner of the room as Chan towered over him, setting the timer for 20 minutes before leaving the little their.


Jisung surprisingly finished his editing in two hours with the help of the company, so he has able to come back to the dorms in a mere 3 hours which he was happy about. Who wouldn't be? He got to spend time with his little. His angel.

Jisung opened the door with a big smile on his face as he could practically hear his little Minho running up to him and giving him the most heart-felt hug he could muster. Except, he didn't. Minho was there. Jisung walked into the living room confused as he saw all the toys scattered on the floor but no sign of the littles. That's when he heard a squeal coming from Hyunjin's room.

Thinking Minho would be with the others, he started heading towards their door, but only to be stopped by the sight of Minho in the corner of the room with tears tracking down his face. Jisung let out an audible gasp as he rushed to Minho's side, cradling him by instinct.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!"


About an hour later, Minho lost all strength to cry as he fell silent with his dead eyes staring at the floor. He didn't even hear his beloved caregiver come inside and gasp, looking at his shaking self. He only snapped out of it when he felt Jisung pick him up and cradle him to his chest.
Minho instantly fell into the warm arms, eyes too heavy to stay awake, he let them shut with the warmth of Jisung, ignoring the back and forth between Jisung and his members.

"I know Minho is the second oldest and he's literally 180 when he's little but do you really have that little respect for him to let him sit on the floor for a fuckin hour!"

I would again like to add that I am no professional in the knowledge about littles nor am I/ take care of one. I have done research about the topic and If you are more educated than me and see something wrong, please do tell me because I don't want to spread wrong information about a whole community. Along with that, I don't know what stray kids do in their free time and I will never know so please do not think any of this is real. In my personal opinion, I think this would be far from the truth. None of this is true (except the fact that Minho deserves all the love in the world uwu).
I have started Year 11 and I'm going to do my GCSE so please excuse my, already really bad updates but be prepared for ones even worse.

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