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Jonah was also in our troop. I knew him for years. While his feet were not maybe as big or as hot as Simon's, his attitude was much more intense. Simon may have let me near his feet out of well mannered obliviousness, but with Jonah I was certain that my time at his feet was a power trip for him.

The first few times I saw his feet were when he was showing off what he'd been learning at karate or parkour. And after that I started seeing his feet a lot in one on one settings, and he began to talk about his feet to me.

Jonah's personality is acting overly cool and cocky as a way to impress. And this came off on our interactions and what the nature of my relationship to his feet should be, in his eyes. One year at a week long scout summer camp, he sat alone with me on the first day and brought up the reasons for why he was walking around camp in bare feet. The camp ground was dirty and dusty, with a layer of dry mud that covered his feet every day. His soles were filthy and he was obnoxious about not hiding it. He was telling me about it while we were deciding the layout of our sleeping bags.

Now I don't know if you guys will believe this but I swear to you I'm being honest. Jonah looked me in the eyes and said, while we were alone together and his feet were bare and filthy, "We should set someone along the entrance of the tent and they can lick the dirt of our feet all night," and I just about exploded right there. It was so direct, he HAD to be toying with me. He HAD to have caught me staring at his feet, he must have known about my interest and liked torturing me like this. As badly as I wanted to volunteer to lick his feet all night, I stupidly played ignorant and laughed it off like he was just being random and silly. I regret this in hindsight.

While nothing more exciting transpired on that particular trip, we had another exciting interaction a while later. One night, with the lights off in the night at our scout friends living room, we were having a sleep over. We were at the stage where we were supposed to be sleeping but we're giggling in our sleeping bags and whispering to each other. I feel embarrassed describing it like that but honestly that's what we were doing.
Jonah and I had our sleeping bags on the far end next to each other and we were talking, and Jonah was being his normal cocky, obnoxious, teasing self. At some point we were fighting over a physical object, I can't for the life of me remember what it was. But I had it between my hands, and he had his hands around mine, digging in at me, trying to weil it away. As a way to get leverage on his side of the tug of war, Jonah pushes his bare soles into my stomach and uses the force of his legs to push me away. Well suddenly I don't care about the object of our fighting, my mind is immediately only caring now that this guy is low key treating me like wimp he can push around, AND he's using his feet as a way to physically dominate me. And also I want to mention, this hurt. Jonah wasn't just in scouts, but he was in gymnastics and karate, and posting videos of him doing impressive physical tasks was a habit of his. Appearing like a badass that plays hard, in a social and physical way, was the ideal way he wanted to exist in the world. And he was applying full f#cking pressure, pushing into me with his feet with way more force than necessary. When my hold only tightened, he stubbornly doubled down in response. To my enormous surprise, the next thing was, while still pulling me towards him with his arms and away with his legs, he decided to start walking his feet upwards from my stomach to my chest to get more leverage. Each small step up my body, the tension getting more and more. Feeling so many pounds of force grind his soles into my chest, where every flex and scrunch of his toes grabbed tightly onto my shirt, and as he continued upwards to my neck, my skin. The pressure of his bare soles grinding painfully down onto my throat suffocated me, but I didn't care. I wanted this more than anything. And finally, Jonah, with his smug power tripping grin, plants both of his BARE FEET on my ACTUAL FACE. This is a dream come true. I can feel his feet on my face so heavy, he does not care at all how much he's hurting me, he just wants to get his way.

Now after a few minutes of Jonah dominantly rubbing his bare feet all over my face and body in the dark at a sleep over, I eventually came to the conclusion that you might be speculating at now: I made the assumption that Jonah was into this on the same level I was. This is not how normal friends physically interact. He's getting something out of this the way I am. So, once I feel kinda confident in this assumption, I tell Jonah to hold on one minute so I can take off my glasses (as, to be honest, he was pressing glass into my face while doing this and I was a tad concerned with how rough he was being that one of us would be cut.) And then Jonah took that opportunity to snag the thing out of my hand he wanted, and instantly went back into a normal position. So when I gestured for us to keep going, he looked at me like I was stupid - if he got the thing he wanted then he won, right? Like putting his feet on me was just utilitarian in his quest for the thing we were fighting over.

Now I don't know if Jonah is oblivious, but I doubt it. He would often tease me in a dominant way like this, humiliating me in weird ways. I theorize that he's bi and flirted with me when he saw me as a potential submissive. But since it never got past this teasing phase, I could be wrong and he might just be this way, I have no idea.

I don't have another specific story with Jonah but I will tell you one more habit he had. If you read the last chapter about Simon, I mentioned my habit of being the last person to sit at any group gathering so I'd be forced to sit on the floor (always coincidentally near feet) and Jonah ALWAYS took advantage of this behaviour. I have spent so many hours of my life with this man's bare feet kicked up in my lap, in front of a friend group, and he doesn't even ask permission. My lap is his footrest and if he needs a footrest while in front of our friends, then the strange embarrassment of not fighting off his feet is the social cost he made me pay for being close to his feet. It's this weird social power he silently had over me, like it was natural. But since being the last to sit doesn't always mean I'm positioned where he can neatly plop his heels down into my lap, his feet finding me as a footrest was often in ways that forced me into uncomfortable positions for long stretches of time. But the ecstasy of being underneath him, and of being degraded by the physical nature of being at a bully/friend's feet made me not care how much it hurt. I remember one time at a movie night he was pressing down on my upper back with his feet, soles planted firmly on me. He commented outloud about how this was keeping his feet warm, and then our female friend laughed and joined in with him. Now I have a weird thing where I really hate girl feet a lot. It's not uncommon to like both male and female feet, but you'll also meet lots of folks like me who love one and hate the other. So when she put her feet on me my immediate gut impulse is to try to stop it somehow. But now that I've already shown the group that I don't mind Jonah's feet, I can't change my narrative now or else I'll look weird. So I'm forced to go through being under a girl's feet for a long time and I hate it. The reason I explain that is to tell you that Jonah didn't just do things I "didn't want" in a typical fantasizing way, he actually put me through things I unironically hated just because he could. His priority in our flirty Dom/sub friendship, as I think I could describe this, wasn't my enjoyment. His priority was having power over me and me not being able to say anything. Of him knowing how to press all my buttons, and him just toying with them with zero regard for my own experience. Only he mattered. And so even though Jonah didn't have as nice feet as Simon, his attitude, which I've worked hard to capture here, was so powerful and impactful that I can't ignore it. And that's thrilling to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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