Third person

It's been 4 years since everyone separated, shuichi has no idea what everyone else is doing since he hasn't had contact with them for years.

Shuichi and kokichi however were neighbors before the game and found out they were when they left the hospital.

They talked alot, about they're trama, they're fears, and how they felt about everyone else.

They also got therapy, kokichi got much better with his lying while shuichi got a lot more confident and got better with his anxiety.

They became very close, even closer than they were in the game. Over time they fell in love, got a new friend named kaiso naoi, and after 2 years of dating, got married.

They moved into a bigger house, they invited their friend naoi to live with them since they had 3 rooms, the 3rd room was shuichis work room.

They got a black and white kitten that kokichi got as a birthday present from shuichi.

They were having a very good life all together, one day shuichi found out some of their friends numbers and decided to arrange a get together.


Kokichi woke up and opened his eyes, the sun hit onto his pale face. He fluttered his eyes a bit and adjust them.

Kokichi sat up with a yawn and stretched his arms, shuichi wasn't in the room with him when he woke up as always.

Kokichi probably overslept since last night he was super drunk, they went out to get shuichi to relax a bit since he was panicking over the get together.

It was honestly a blur but he's sure shuichi has some fun before it all became a blur. Kokichi went to stand up when he felt a painful strike in his back and sat back down on the bed.

Oh. That really hurt. Kokichi whinced a bit stretching his back a bit, well now kokichi knows a bit of what happened last night.

He checked the time, it was 1:04pm.

Kokichi stood up again, back feeling a bit better after stretching. He walked towards the living room guessing shuichi and naoi were in there.

Turns out he was correct, they were watching TV while chatting, more like arguing over their show they usually binge watch, just their nerd stuff as usual.

"Shuich I'm telling you it's kaio not hajisho! The points prove to him!" Naoi said, shuichi scoffed.

"I think you are forgetting who the professional detective is." Shuichi said smugly, naoi rolled her eyes.

"Shuichi please, just because you are a detective- oh hi kokichi!" Naoi said making shuichi turn around to the yawning kokichi.

"Hey kichi." Shuichi said as kokichi walked over to sit next to shuichi on the couch.

"Hey guys, are you guys arguing over that show again?" Kokichi said, kissing shuichi on the cheek.

"Yeah, tell your husband to stop using his stupid detective skills as an excuse!" Naoi pouted, crossing her arms, kokichi laughed at her face.

"Kokichi won't do that, and stop making that stupid face." Shuichi said turn his face away from naois pouring face which turned into an angry one.

"Ugly how dare you--." Naoi said as kokichi cut her off.

"You guys need to caaalm down, instead of focusing on that show let's focus on shopping for the get together!" Kokichi said, shuichi had completely forgotten about that when he started watching his show.

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