Heading home pt 38

Start from the beginning

Me: have fun!! Pay the team for me ;)

Allen: girl you know I have every chance to take more money for myself.

Me: $250 tip?

Allen: no but thanks you already pay us more than the average celebrity team

Me: love yall

I grabbed my bags and walked to the elevator. I went to the ground floor and checked out at reception before heading out. I saw the familiar black car with the older man outside of it.

"Good to see you mr. colt." I said. He grabbed my bags.

"You as well ms. L/n. Feel free to get in. And I have a blanket and coffee in there for you because I know you get cold when you're on the road." He said. I thanked him and got into the mini limo. He got into the drivers seat and took me out of New York slowly but surely.

"So I saw that you and mr. Evans are an item. I haven't seen you with anyone in three years. I'm very happy for you ms" he said.

"Awe thanks mr colt." I said.

As he drove me back to Boston I thought about my life again.

I sighed and looked out the window.

I couldn't even be in my own head. I had to be busy at all times.

I thought about how crazy the past two days were. I basically only drank coffee and I had a salad the night before from the restaurant.

It's just the busy schedule I thought.

I thought about how guilty I felt from the interviews. Getting asked about kids, my relationship, my family. Things that I turned into little white lies.

I got so lost in my raging thoughts for two and a half hours. I didn't even realize that I was home.

I got out of the car and paid colt before grabbing my bags. I saw that my car was back in the driveway. Scott of course.

I went up to my apartment and set down my bags. I saw that I had left my apartment a mess. It smelled like alcohol. I opened up my windows and lit some candles. It was time to get to work.

I put all my clothes away from the trip and started loads of laundry.

While the laundry was going I decided to clean and sanitize the kitchen. I washed up everything, did the dishes, and swept. I watered all of my plants too.

I realized that I had a nail appointment at 3:30. I blew out my candles and went.

I drove to the little nail salon. I always let my nail lady do whatever she wanted. She decided on short brown nails.

I paid her and went back to my house

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I paid her and went back to my house. I finished my laundry and sat on the couch. I slumped down on it and turned on friends. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over me.

Friends through fame: a Chris evans story Where stories live. Discover now