Heading home pt 38

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. It was around 9:45. I had finally gotten some time to sleep in.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth and hair. I jumped into the shower. I washed my hair and remembered when Chris would help me wash my hair. I smiled and continued.

Once I was done with my shower I checked my phone.

Chris <3: when does your plane leave today?

Me: 1 I think. Or colt is picking me up. Idk I haven't asked Allen.

Chris <3: kk. Wanna call? I have to film in thirty minutes but I like hearing your voice.

Me: flirty and I just got out of the shower

Chris <3: so I'm FaceTiming you then

His icon popped up and I answered.

I wrapped the towel around me more and started to put my hair products in.

"Hey" I said.

"Good morning beautiful." He says.

"You seem to be in a good mood today." I said.

"Yeah. How about you how are you feeling?" He asked.

"You know so-so. By the way I didn't tell you but I had the weirdest fucking interview yesterday." I said.

"What tell me about it." He said.

"Well I had this weird guy at mtv and he kept on asking me questions about our relationship and if we're still dating cause I'm in New York and you're not. And even if you were in Boston there's probably a good chance that you would've stayed back because of the dog like it doesn't mean that we broke up because we're in different cities. Oh and he was asking me how I stay fit and have such a good body and stuff and I was ready to leave" I said.

"Holy shit I hate those interviews. Like where they just try to flirt when asking questions too. But how did wired go?" He asked.

"Oh it was so much fun. I love the environment." I said.

"Good cause I have one booked with McKenna in two months on premiere week for gifted." He said.

"Where is that gonna be?" I asked.

"New York city baby" he said.

"Nice we can drive or something." I said. I grabbed my phone and walked into the bedroom part.

"You wanna come with?" He asked.

"Of course." I said.

"Sweet." He said. "Well I'm gonna let you go. But I'll call you tonight and text me when you get back. Mwah" he said and blew me a kiss.

"Okay. Byeee" I said. I hung up and changed into some leggings and a t shirt.

I packed up all of my stuff and sat on the bed to text Allen. It was now around 11.

Me: am I flying or did you call colt?

Allen: I called colt is that okay?

Me: yeah that's totally good. What time is he gonna be here?

Allen: he's here now and waiting. He said that he can wait as long as you need.

Me: I'm ready

Allen: okay. You got everything?

Me: yeah I'll check out too.

Allen: okay. I'm going to go then if that's okay. My hubby is here in New York.

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