
I was awoken by water being splashed on my face, causing me to sit straight up. I wiped away the water while cursing Rosie out as I heard her laughing next to me.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" I asked her as I blinked away the remaining amount of water. I saw that she had her black hair down and my damn bandana wrapped around her head. She just shrugged her shoulders with a smile,

"Needed to find a creative way to wake you up." She told me.

"No you didn't! Just let me sleep, woman!" I said as I got up and went outside to get some space. I heard her chuckling behind me and I scoffed, walking in the direction of the jungle.

"You forgot your sword!" Rosie shouted from behind me. I yelled back at her,

"I wanna test my luck today!" I walked into the jungle as I wanted to get some extra materials in case I needed to make something real quick, or fix something. Apparently Rosie didn't like my answer as I heard rushed footsteps coming from behind me and my sword was soon placed into my hands. Her warm hand was placed over top of mine for a split second,

"Please bring it with you, ya idiot." She told her as I just rolled my eyes, shoving her hand off of mine because I didn't want to get flustered or anything. She looked a tad confused at the action, but didn't speak on it.

"I'll make sure to bring it with me," I sighed as I started to grab some materials like palm leaves, vines, sticks, etc. Rosie seemed to understand what I was doing and also grabbed some stuff; very little compared to me, but it was something. A stupid squirrel ran across the pathway I've made and I almost threw a log at it because it scared me. I huffed out annoyed because everything just seems to piss me off today. Rosie waking me up with water also didn't help either.

We made it back to my home and I just placed everything on the outside because I didn't need any of it inside right now. Rosie threw her like two sticks and three leaves down next to my pile and smiled. I rolled my eyes at her and just sat down on the tree stump nearby, thinking about what I should do today. Then an idea came to me,

"I'm going to explore the rest of the island." I said abruptly as I stood up from the stump and turned east, ready to venture down the beach and into uncharted territory. But a hand wrapped around my wrist before I could start my advancement. I lowered my head in disappointment and slowly turned around to see Rosie looking back at me with worried eyes.


"Duh, I'll be back."

"No." I quirked an eyebrow at her response,

"I wasn't looking for your feedback." I told her as her gaze hardened,

"And I'd like you alive, so I'm coming along. Stay here," she said as she let me go, turning to grab her things, "I mean it." I groaned as I was about to sprint off without her. I impatiently waited for her and she handed me my pouch, which I suspiciously took from her grasp. I opened it cautiously and sighed in relief as it was a cooked fish, some mangos, and raspberries.

"Thanks, let's get going." I said with no emotion as I turned on my heels and started walking. She quickly caught up with me and we were now walking side by side. There was a comfortable silence that loomed over us and neither of us felt the need to break it. We rounded the beach and were now into new territory because we have never been past here. I drew my sword out for precautionary reasons and continued on, scanning my new surroundings. Rosie did the same as me and I noticed a lot of new things.

There were less trees over here, almost like a small plains that had multiple different plants growing. One caught my eye right away and it was a pineapple plant. I smiled and mentally noted it as we continued on. I saw some grass that was pressed down and guessed that some jaguars sleep here at night. Never come here at night, got it.

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now