apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime

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(lyrics: goodbye by bo burnham)

Orchid dressed Clementine in a cut red flannel on top, and a skirt that looked like tree bark

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Orchid dressed Clementine in a cut red flannel on top, and a skirt that looked like tree bark. It revealed a little bit of cleavage, which the people in the Capitol were sure to enjoy. Her long brown hair was in a simple low bun, but she looked as elegant as ever. Orchid frowned. Clementine pursed her lips.

"What's wrong?" Orchid hesitated for a moment.

"The first time around, people told you to smile and wave during the parade. Times have changed. Don't spare them one glance." Orchid told Clementine, finishing up her makeup. "They don't deserve you."

Clementine clenched her jaw, nodding.

"They don't deserve me." She repeated.


Johanna stood next to their chariot with her arms crossed. In times like these, it was better to let Johanna cool off on her own.

A few chariots behind her was Katniss and Peeta, and she once again reminded herself that she had vowed to protect Katniss with her life.

"Well, you're the prettiest tree I've ever seen." A familiar voice chuckled from behind her. She turned around to see Finnick, a sugar cube in his hand.

"Nice netting." Clementine said, looking down at his outfit — or lack of. She'd denied dancing with him for years, but she always knew he was handsome. Part of her didn't want to take her eyes off of his chest, but she knew he'd hassle her if she did.

"Places, everyone!" Sugar called out to the two District Seven girls.

"Snow is scum under my shoe, and I intend to make sure that scum gets buried in the ground." Johanna muttered as they stepped onto the chariot.

As they took off, Clementine remembered being in the same place with Copper. It was fascinating — seeing so many people; she could appreciate it if they weren't the people trying to kill her.


Clementine wouldn't tell Orchid, but she wasn't that impressed with her dress for the interviews. She didn't pay much attention to the interviews until it was Finnick's turn to speak. Per usual, he knew how to please a crowd. However, he started to frown.

"Something on your mind, Finnick?" Ceaser asked.


"Go on, go on."

"I don't want to go into the Games without admitting something."

"What might that be?" Ceaser asked, pointing the microphone in his direction.

"I'm in love with Clementine Wildflower. I always have been, and I will be until my last breath. I didn't want to go into the arena without telling..."

Gasps were heard from the crowd, and Clementine clenched her jaw. What was he playing at? Was this fake, just to get sponsors, or was he being serious? If he was being serious, she couldn't let him near her. He would only die. She wouldn't allow herself to love him.

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