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About two weeks later, I was back in Sector 5 one bright afternoon. I'd just finished up another job—that big outdoor TV had gone on the fritz again, so I'd headed over here with Cloud to fix it. Once I'd gotten that all done, I had him hang out at the weapon shop and look around for a bit while I went to see Lena again.

But when I knocked on the door, nobody answered. Guess she and Biggs had gone out, maybe to visit the Leaf House or something. It was good that Lena was moving about and being active again, and I figured that's all it was, so after waiting a few minutes, I started back down the road toward the weapon shop to see Cloud. But about halfway there, a familiar voice suddenly called out to me.

"Jessie!" Maddy shouted.

I turned to see her rushing toward me, her dark ponytail flying out behind her. "Maddy? What's going on?"

She stopped in front of me, panting as she caught her breath. "Oh, am I glad to see you! You've gotta come, quick! I was on my way to the Leaf House when I spotted some bad-looking guys following Biggs and Lena into the alley around the corner. So I went looking for somebody from the watch to help. Found you first, though."

"I'm on it!" I said, pumping my fist. "Go to the Leaf House and stay there 'till this is over, alright? This won't take long."

"I will, and be careful!" Maddy nodded, adjusting her glasses.

I winked. "Always!"

Then she hurried off like I'd told her. I knew the alley that she was talking about—it wasn't far from the clinic, which explained why Biggs and Lena might've gone in there. A shortcut that had just become a lot more dangerous. Parking my little cart nearby, I raced up the street and around the corner to the alley. There wasn't time for me to go back and get Cloud, so I'd have to handle this myself. I'd known that Vice would go after Lena again sooner or later. And when I slipped into the alley, I found my instincts were right on the money.

Biggs and Lena were there, not very far in, cornered by four goons from the Vice gang. The ugly brutes' bright orange mohawks and dirty, sleeveless denim jackets told me right off who they were. Biggs scowled at them, his fists up as he stood protectively by his sister, but the idiots just laughed and brandished their knives. They had cut my friends off, and I realized that two of the thugs must've followed them in here while the other two waited on the other side.

"Boss sent us to finish you off," one of them taunted.

"Any way we want," another one laughed, his hungry eyes going to Lena. "We gonna have us a good time."

Biggs glared at him. "The hell you will!"

The first thug hefted his club. "Boss don't like loose ends."

"Then he's gonna love me!" I quipped.

"What the—?" he sputtered.

By the time he whirled around to face me, the metal backing of my gloved fist was already introducing itself to his face. He staggered back, blood pouring from his busted nose as he dropped his club. While the others just stood there for a moment, taken by surprise, Biggs grabbed the arm of the thug nearest him, slammed him hard into the wall, then slugged him in the gut as Lena's jaw dropped.

"Jessie!" she called, her eyes wide.

I laughed as I threw another thug over my shoulder after he lunged at me with his knife. "Hey there! Good seein' ya again! Not exactly the visit I'd planned, but what can you do?"

Biggs dodged the last goon's clumsy knife swipe and punched him out. "Damn am I glad you showed up!"

"Always happy to help you kick ass!" I laughed.

Final Fantasy VII: Reflections - Book 2: AscentWhere stories live. Discover now