03: Attention Getter

Start from the beginning

“It’s this one,” I informed him as I stepped up the familiar line of lockers.

Lucas nodded and leaned against the locker beside mine casually, watching my hand as I spun the dial. Just as Nate had promised the combination was my birthday. I pulled away from the locker, wondering how he’d managed to accomplish that, as a set of books was pushed before my face. “Do you have any PhyEd clothes?” Lucas asked as he tucked my books onto the top shelf for me.

I shook my head, my golden hair falling in front of my shoulders. “No, I have to pick them up from the front office after school.” I watched as he gave a tiny nod, turning his eyes to the hallways around us. “Is that going to be a problem?”

He looked back to me smiling, setting his hand on the door of my locker as he closed it for me. “No, I’ll handle it.”

Just when I was about to ask what that was supposed to mean he pushed his body away from the locker and nodded down the hall. Without hesitation I fell into step beside him, turning my eyes up to look over at him. The moment I did he smirked broadly and I raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. “What is it?”

For a second he seemed surprised that I bothered to ask but he quickly turned it into a shrug. “Nothing. You just seem to be attracting a lot of attention is all.”

My eyes quickly flitted over the students we were passing by and I noticed for the first time that he was right. Every now and then people would glance over at me to get a better look. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I was turning heads, but I was causing eyes to follow. It was my turn to smirk as I looked up at Lucas once more. “I wonder why that is?”

“You’re new,” he said giving another little shrug though his lips turned up into a sly smile, “you’re an attractive girl,” at this he winked and I rolled my eyes though I didn’t drop my smile, “and you’re-“ he caught himself, stopping his sentence as we turned a corner to go down a flight of steps.

“I’m what?” I asked, curious what he was about to say.

Once more he gave me a small smile, “You are single, right?” I nodded and his smile grew, reaching his eyes and causing them to twinkle. “Well then you’re new, you’re a good looking, you’re single and I’m not sure if you’re aware of it, but you’ve been accompanied by some rather popular people.”

This being said I chuckled. I knew perfectly well he was referring to himself on the last part. “Well I guess I should take advantage of that then.”

“I like the way you think,” he winked, coming to a stop in a crowded brick hallway. I stopped beside him, scanning the crowd the same as he was. For a few moments his eyes ran over all of the milling students before calling out, “Elizabeth!”

I watched as a pretty brunette turned her head immediately, her brown curls bouncing as her eyes scanned for the person who’d called out to her. The moment they landed on Lucas her eyes lit up and a playful smile crept onto her face. She turned to the two girls she’d been standing with, said a few words and then sauntered over to us. “Well if it isn’t Lucas Vonette,” she greeted him with a sly smile.

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