"You okay?"

"No..." Crusher sniffled his tears. "I… I miss home… and Mom… and Dad… and my sister and brother… I miss them all…!"

"It's okay..." Pickle soothed gently. "We'll go home soon."

"When...? And how...?"

"I don't know that part, but... we'll try and find a way. I promise."

Pickle held him in a hug. Crusher returned it, tears strolling down his cheeks as he did so.

They were going to be okay.

They were going to find a way home.

No one was going to stop them from doing so.


"They're MISSING?!" Queen Krisha of the kingdom of Mermadia gasped in horror.

"We couldn't find them anywhere, Mom!" Glacier said with a nod.

"The only thing we saw where they were playing was the boat up there!" Dynama added.

"Guards, search the kingdom! Search the cove! Search... EVERYWHERE!" King Calvin roared out. "Find my youngest! Find them BOTH!"

"Yes, sire!"

The guards gave a bow and swam off. Dynama hissed.

"It's my fault," she sighed. "I was suppose to look after them... and I lost them..."

"Dynama, it was an honest mistake," her mother said softly. "We'll find them, I promise,"

"Maybe we should join the search," Glacier offered.

"O-Okay..." Dynama agreed with a nod.


Back in the city, Crusher shuddered as he and Pickle took shelter under a large piece of cardboard while the rain poured from the sky.

"I'm so c-c-cold..."

"M-Me too..." Pickle snuggled up against the other. "Cold... and hungry..."


The duo turned to see a green truck, similar looking to Pickle but a little bigger, with orange hair and freckles on her face. She glanced down at them with a frown.

"Are you okay?"

Pickle whimpered and went closer to Crusher, afraid that the truck was going to hurt them like the last one. Crusher gulped.

"Wh-Who are you...?"

"My name is Frilly!" the truck greeted with a smile. "You both look cold! Where are your parents?"

"We... we're lost..." Crusher said. "We were taken from our parents and we have no idea how to go home..."

"Aww, that's too bad," Frilly frowned before beaming. "Ooh! Do you wanna stay with me and my family?! We've got plenty of room!"

"Well... if you wouldn't mind..." Crusher glanced down, hesitant.

"I'm sure Grandpa won't mind!" Frilly smiled before turning. "HEY, TILLIE, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!"

"What is it, Frilly?" a green truck with dark blue hair in a ponytail drove towards them. "Oh! Who are they, Frilly...?"

"This is... uh..." Frilly gave it a thought. "Uh..."

"C-Crusher," Crusher spoke up, still a little wary. "And... And this is Pickle,"

"Hello..." Pickle waved.

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