On the way

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Louis asked Niall's parents "Can I go up to Nialls room and call Liam real quick". His parents said "Yes, you can" Louis said "Thank you". His parents said "no problem". So Louis went to Nialls room and dialed Liam's number to tell him the depressing news. *ring ring* Liam picked up "Hey Louis". "Hey" Louis said in a really sad voice. Liam said "Oh no don't tell me Niall died" Louis said "Sadly yes he did" in tears. Liam started crying and asked "Do you want use to come down their for funeral" Zayn chimed in "What funeral". Liam still on the phone "Zayn you seriously don't know" Zayn started crying and asked "is it Niall". Liam said "Sadly yes we are going down to Ireland tomorrow for the funeral and to sing a song at the funeral" Louis said "Yeah that's right I'm going to check Nialls room to see if theirs a song he want us to sing I'll text you the song if I find one is his room" Liam said "ok bye". Louis went up to his and Nialls room to see if he could find another note and then remembered if their was a song he wanted the to sing it would be on the back of the note he already wrote. So Louis ran down the stairs and fell down them because he was running to fast he found the note lying on the table he flipped it over to see if their was a song he wanted the boys to sing at his funeral. Their was a song on the back and a little note. The small note said "I might die soon so when I do at my funeral I want you and the boys to sing two song "one by Lewis Capidi and Forever thank you love you all". Louis got out his phone to text Liam and said "He wants us to sing the songs One by Lewis Capidi and Forever. "Ding" Liam said "Ok sounds good we are on are way down their see you soon". Louis replied "ok see you soon".

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