Hero, Villain, Anti-Hero, None of The Above

Start from the beginning

"Its better to control how people sees you. But.... since I've been here I can't say, 'thank you'. But I... I don't really care how everyone sees me. And I sort of like it, I feel more... free. Like its less work to not care about what people think and just, I don't know. Do you, I guess. Its weird but, thank you. In some way leaving Mystic Falls is doing me some good." 

I watched as his back steadily went up and down.

Thinking he fell asleep I reached over taking off the lamp and relaxing back in my seat.

He whined telling me he was still awake.

I laughed continuing to comb his fur. "You a bit of a big baby then a big bad wolf."

He huffed.

"Okay, umm... well I would- Wait. Just so you know when your back to normal, your turn to talk." I noted as he leaned into me. "Alright so... I would like to go in snow. Yeah, I've done a bit of travelling but I never go when its snowing. I have no idea why but I wanna go in snow to experience it I guess. And now I won't have to worry about freezing to death because, werewolf part of it." 

I continued with my ranting and would get the occasionally huff or whin from Klaus.

I was slightly tired by now and I know Klaus was fighting himself from his sleep.

Getting up on his paws he moved towards me and licked my cheek and moved more onto my lap and waited till I rested my hand onto his back then fell asleep.

It didn't take long till the sleep took me and I couldn't help but go with a little smile.

Waking up I stretched and moved my hair over my shoulder from my face.

Looking around I noticed Klaus was no longer on the bed.

Sitting up I watched out the window and noticed that the sun wasn't out yet but would be coming up soon.

Listening I could hear Stefan was asleep and heard some shuffling in the cabin so I can only guess it was Klaus.

Getting out of the bed I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a lazy bun.

We were leaving around lunch time to go to Maryland.

That should be interesting.

Walking out the bathroom the same the bedroom door open, Klaus peaked in.

"Sit, on your bed, don't leave the room." 

I furrowed. "Umm..." I thought about opposing but just gave in. "Okay."

Sitting back on my bed I asked, "What now?"

"Good." he smiled.

Coming in with a tray in hand he sat opposite me resting it down.

"What's this?" I asked watching the tray.

There were two plates of waffles a jug with syrup, three bowls with apples cut up, strawberries and another one of strawberries, a cup with what I can guess is melted chocolate and two glasses of orange juice.

"Its a thank you, for helping me last night."

I smiled. "Thank you then, this is-"

"Don't say sweet, or nice, or anything like that. I'm simply returning the favor." he cut me off.

"Well, it wasn't a 'favor'."

"Then what was it?" he asked seeming very confused.

"Uh, well I was just helping you."

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