"You guys know Mr Garcia, right? My AP English teacher,"

Both her father and mother nodded.

"On the first day of this new semester, I had his class last period. He was talking about this assignment he gave us, and I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. He called me for it, and I responded abrasively to it, and he gave me a detention. I stayed for five minutes after the bell had rung, and I got up to leave because I had tennis practice. And he tried to stop me, and he forced himself onto me, and he kissed me, and the only reason he stopped was that Jaxson walked in on it about to happen." Veronica rambled on to her parents. She did even realise that tears were spilling from her eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything, Veronica? The semester started almost two months ago." Kaleb said to his daughter, his tone stern.

"I know, Dad and I'm sorry I was just afraid to say anything,"

"We have to call Christina about this immediately, Kaleb," Naomi said, disgust etched upon her features.

"Dr Sanders knows about it already, Mom," Victoria told her mother.

"What do you mean by Christina knows?" Kaleb inquired.

"We told her about it today, and she said she couldn't fire him because he is the most qualified AP English teacher in the country,"

"Is Christina out of her damn mind? She knows and hasn't said anything yet?" Naomi stressed.

"We have to press charges against him and the school, cause this situation and Christina's reasoning are absurd," Kaleb said.

"Please, Dad, just ask Christina to fire him or something. I don't think that this is necessary," Veronica pleaded.

"Veronica, we have to do something about this. That would classify as sexual assault, which is a crime," Naomi commented.

"Okay, but please don't take it too far," Veronica told them.

"I promise we won't. I need you girls to go back downstairs for me. I want to speak to your mother privately," Kaleb told his daughters.

"Okay," both girls said simultaneously.

As the two girls were leaving, Naomi spoke up. "I want you girls to know, that you can speak to us about anything. Especially things like this. You might think that we are being hard on you or picking on you, but we truly have your best interest at heart, and we love you,"

"We love you too, Mom and Dad,"

· · ── ·𖥸· ── · ·

A few hours passed since Veronica had told her parents about the situation. Jaxson and Kyle decided that it was time for them to while Victoria and Elena had gone out to the mall, leaving Veronica at home alone with her parents and Kai.

Veronica was in the kitchen, standing over the sink, washing the dishes. She placed the bowl on the counter a knock sounded on the door. 'Did Victoria forget something,' she thought, walking to the foyer to answer the door.

When she swung the door open, the most unexpected person stood there. Ace. His face was still severely bruised from the scuffle he had with Jaxson. He had a nervous look on his face.

"Uh, hi Ronnie," he started, scratching his head.

"Ace, what are you doing here?" Veronica asked.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure," Veronica said, opening the door wider for him to enter.

"I am here to apologize for what I did to you and Jaxson, it was wrong for me to do, and I feel horrible," Ace said.


"That's it? Just 'okay'?" Ace questioned.

"What else do you want from me?"

"Maybe an apology for siding with Jaxson when we are supposed to be friends?" Ace said.

"You are ridiculous, Ace. You were dead wrong. You were bullying Jaxson, and I was not going to let that happen," Veronica told Ace, her voice getting significantly louder.

"Don't you see, Veronica?!"

"Just be straightforward," Veronica said.

"I like you, Veronica. I always have, and for you to ditch me for Jaxson, who you barely know, made me angry." Ace told her.

"Well, I told you before I didn't see you in that way, so it's your fault for liking me for so long. It's not my fault that you can't move on," Veronica told him, her pointer finger in his face.

"I can't help how I feel, Veronica,"

"Well, I need you to move on. Jaxson and I are together, and I don't want your jealousy to fuck that up," Veronica said, folding her arms.

Ace's face dropped at her words. "See, that's what bitches like you do. You toy with a guy's feelings, and just leave them for someone 'better'"

"Ace, we were never an item in the first place," Veronica said, a confused look on her face.

"You are a whore, Veronica, and you will always be a whor-,"

Before he could finish, Kaleb came out of nowhere, pinning him against the wall, his hand wrapped tightly around his neck.

"You listen to me, Ace, you do not speak to any of my children like that," Kaleb said, squeezing his throat tighter and cutting off his air supply.

Naomi and Kai appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. Their eyes were wide as they caught sight of the site before them.

"Dad! Let him go!" Kai shouted.

Kaleb glanced at his son and then back to Ace. "You not welcomed here, Ace. Do you understand me?" he asked.

Ace nodded his head yes.

"I can't hear you, Ace,"

"Yes, Mr Romano,"

"Good," Kaleb said, throwing him to the floor and leaving the room.

"Get out of my house, Ace," Naomi said, a scowl on her face.

"Mrs Ferrero, please," he begged, clutching his chest for air.

"Get out of my house, Ace," 

· · ── ·𖥸· ── · ·


Hello everyone, as you can see I am back to regular-ish posting because school is finished for me temporarily, but chapter 20 may be a bit late. I'll try to update on Thursday or maybe Friday for you all, but for sure the next upload will probably be a double update or maybe even a triple update, who knows?

Thank you all for 3k reads, I appreciate you all so much . So, thanks again. 🩷

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