Just A Thanks (Stucky NSFW)

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Warning: violence, torture, nsfw, anal

"Let me the fuck out out of here!" You scream for maybe the 50th time this morning for the 3rd day in a row. No response per usual.

"What do you want from me?!" You scream up at the ceiling dropping to your knees in tears. Your whole body jolts when there is a robotic voice coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once.

"I want the knowledge you posses. Your work. It's exquisite, it can bring down planets triple the size of Jupiter." The voice says.

"Well it looks like you're just going to have a very expensive house guest who does nothing because I destroyed all my work and the only person who can re create it is mwah." You smirk slumping on the ground.

"And I definitely won't be doing that anytime soon." You hold up your middle finger hoping whoever is holding you can see it.

All of a sudden you fall through the floor landing on hard cement. You groan opening your eyes realizing instead of a cell you're now in a cage. You try to jump out through the top but a woman closes and locks it laughing at your attempts.

"It's amusing to watch you try Y/N" the woman chuckles. You spit in her direction with a smirk.

She glares at you and presses a button releasing freezing cold water on you. You have no time to recover as boiling hot water pours on your melting parts of your skin. You scream bloody murder and the woman just watches with a sick smile.

"Ready to get to work now?" You laugh hysterically in response.

"You won't break me."

"We'll see."

For the next few days she continued to use any means of torture. You almost wished she would do the water punishment again so you could have something to drink. You look down and frown at your deteriorating body. You can see my ribs and my hip bones, I'm covered in burns and whip marks, cuts and bruises, and I can feel how swollen my mouth is from the teeth she ripped out. If you keep holding on you'll die soon and this will all be over you tell yourself every night as you curl up on the floor. Only tonight when you do that after a long day of being beaten you hear some shuffling and then a lot of screaming and fighting. You try to run up to the bars to call for help but your feet fail you and you begin pulling yourself desperately on the floor trying to scream.

Thankfully you don't need to as two tall men come into the cell area and see your meek body. They run to the cell and rip off the lock opening it and dropping to the floor to check my pulse.

"Her pulse is extremely weak we need to hurry." I look up at the men and my eyes widen when I realize who they are.

"Well shes with us now." Captain America chuckles. Lifting your body and taking off as fast as he can. Even at the speed we're going you feel safe in his arms and drift off.

"C'mon stay awake." Is the last thing you hear before falling unconscious.

2 weeks later

You wake up scared but both Captain America and The Winter Soldier are by your side to comfort you. Everything is healed thanks to their technology and magic. You know you're not going to just be able to get up and leave when the rest of the Avengers file into the room.

"So am I your prisoner now? So that way I don't, you know blow up planets." You shift awkwardly.

"Only if you plan on blowing up planets doll." Bucky chuckles.

"I.. don't." You look at them with an awkward smile like how do you prove you're not trying to destroy a planet? All of them laugh at my reaction.

"We know you aren't going to or else you would've when you had the chance." Tony explains.

"We were thinking we could always use a mind like yours." Your eyes widen in shock and they tell you to think about it before saying anything and taking their leave. They leave me alone with Captain America and The Winter Soldier. You smirk growing an idea.

"So you guys are husbands right?" You ask.

"Yup." The Winter Soldier answers wrapping his metal arm around Captain America.

"Ever.. have a threesome?" You ask with a smirk. They chuckle together.

"Why is that what you're looking for here Y/N?" Captain America smirks.

"I mean, it's just a thanks." You lick your lips eyes darting between them.

"Well who would we be to deny you of your manners?" The Winter Soldier stands over me pulling me to my feet. You giggle standing on your tippy toes to kiss his neck keeping your eyes open to watch Captain America as you do so.

"What should I call you?" You ask between kisses.

"Bucky and Steve are fine." Steve answers. You nod your head and pull Bucky in for a kiss. Steve moves behind you and runs his hands along your bodies placing soft kisses as he does so. He rips off your med gown exposing your body to them. You feel them press against you their erections straining against their pants. I pull down Buckys pants and boxers as Steve removes his own. You get on your knees as they rip off their shirts and thrust into your mouth. Steve thrusts first removing his dick so Bucky could enter and Bucky does the same, one thrust, remove for the other then thrust again. They were quite literally taking turns with your mouth until they both grew impatient thrusting together. Neither stops until you're gagging with tears and drool coming down your face and their hot cum pours down your throat while they kiss.

They both lean down and kiss you too pulling you to your feet and bending you over the gurney. Steve smacks your ass before entering slowly.

"Jesus Y/N you're wet." He moans. You look over your shoulder to smirk at him and see Bucky aligning with Steve's ass. You keep your eyes locked on what he's doing and moan with them as he enters Steve in tune with his thrusts into me. All that can be heard is slapping sweaty skin, their grunts and my breathy moans.

"You like seeing me fuck into Steve huh?" Bucky smirks watching you watch them while getting fucked. You nod your head desperately and almost eager. Steve grabs your thigh and cums inside of you moaning as he leans against your back riding your orgasm out with you. He pulls out and is quickly replaced with Bucky who is not as slow at first and roughly shoves into you watching Steve's cum mixed with my juices lube his dick up. He's much sloppier from already being in Steve but still makes me cream around him over and over when his metal hand finds my clit.

Steve gets on his knees and begins licking Buckys balls reviving a beautiful whimper from Bucky. He smacks my ass trying to cover his shame but he knows the sound he made will never be forgotten. He slows down and breathes heavily as Steve coaxes his balls and releases into you his and Steve cum mixing together sending you into another brain shattering orgasm at just the thought of their seed inside of you never mind actually feeling them drip out of your heat.

You slump onto the bed and they lift you making room for themselves placing your body on top of theirs slowly drifting off.

"I like this one." Bucky whispers.

"Me too." Steve answers. You fall asleep with a smile on your face thinking the same about them.

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