Roger That (Steve NSFW)

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Warning: smoking/drinking/ daddy kink/ degrading

"Oh please! Give me break!" You yell out.

"There is no fucking way Voldemort beats Darth Vader in a fight! Vader blows up PLANETS, Voldemort couldn't even kill a baby!"

"A MOTHERS LOVE Y/N IS THE MOST POWERFUL KIND OF MAGIC THERE IS!" Tony drunkenly screams back at you.

You and the Avengers had decided you all deserved to celebrate some of your recent string of successful missions by having a little party amongst yourselves, which has now lead to a very heated and drunk Harry Potter /Star Wars discussion.

"I mean.. not to be THAT person but couldn't Voldemort just.. I don't know.. push the baby out of a window or something? Why did he have to cast this big ole spell?" Bruce says which causes everyone to burst out in a fit of laughter.

The conversation continues to flow and so do the drinks. Everyone starts breaking into smaller groups and conversations so you decide to make your way over to your favorite person, Steve.

You plop down right next to him so your legs and arms are touching. You love how soft the skin on his arms are so you always make a point to brush them with your arm whenever you sit next to him.

"Mm you smell good." Steve says with a cheeky grin as he wraps his arm around your shoulder.

"What's my favorite girl been up to?"

"Oh nothing much just, kickin' ass, taking names, and getting shit faced mostly." You laugh together moving closer into his embrace.

"I love moments like these where we can just kick back and be stupid. Don't get me wrong I love what we do, but it's nice to not have impending doom looming over our heads." You say.

"I get what you mean. Being an Avenger is the greatest honor but it's moments like these that make everything worth it."

You smile at him. He always gets what is going through your head.

"Let's take shots!" You shoot up out of your seat and drag Steve by the hand trying to change the subject so things don't get mushy.

You pour multiple shots for everyone clink them together and down them with a disgusted face. You're not much of a drinker, you prefer smoking weed but will indulge in drinking if the occasion is right.

"Blah, anyone want to smoke with me?"

Steve, Tony, Wanda and Nat all decided to come along to my room so we could smoke.

I start rolling multiple joints as does Tony. It is Wanda and Steve's first time smoking Nat had tried it a few times at parties and things like that and Tony was a everyday smoker like me.

When you light the joint you show them how to hit it and inhale. Steve catches on quick and easy, he looks incredibly sexy when he hits the joint. When he exhales he lifts his chin just a little bit and it makes his jawline look like it could cut fruit. He was beautiful no matter what he was doing.

"Hey Steve next time I take a hit come next to me and inhale what I exhale." You say with mischief in your voice.

He does just as you say and comes over to you. You grab the side of his face bringing your mouth so close to his if either one of you moved you would be kissing and exhaled your hit into his mouth. You watch his face and are very pleased to see a rosy tint take to his cheeks.

"*whistles* damn y/n that was hot. Wanda says giggling. She's definitely stoned.

You continue to smoke the joints and eventually join the rest of the avengers again to continue the drinking shenanigans.

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