"Stop the car!" Morgan hurled himself out of the car before it could come to a proper stop, running to Darling with an overwhelmed amount of relief that quickly came to a halt when he saw all the blood on her oversized men's shirt- not to mention all of the track marks on her arms and bruises on her face.

But it was the sheer velocity that she was using to try to scrub the blood off her hands that made him walk over slowly the most.

"Are you okay?" He spoke gently and fought the urge to pull her into an urgent embrace.


She didn't say anything, she didn't even acknowledge him, she just kept scrubbing.


"I can't get it off" her voice wobbled quietly.


"T-the blood, I-I can't get it off. I've tried everything and I-"

"Okay, it's okay- just stop scrubbing, you're just in shock-"

"N-no, no I have to get it off-"


"I-I have to get it off because if I don't then I'm a killer!" She suddenly turned to him and he saw the pure exhaustion mixed with devastation on her face that told him more than words could ever say along with the knife on the floor by her bare foot was coated in fresh blood, held closely in her shaking her hands the whole walk out of the house in fear, flinching from every sound, every car, every person with her defence up- until she saw Morgan.

Everything seemed so safe when he was there, everything seemed okay, nothing could get to her if he was there and she could let down her guard.

Which was why she finally let herself break down.

Morgan's arms automatically wrapped around her as she burst into tears, pulling her close to him and giving into every urge just to hold her.

Emily went to run over to check on her as the cars all came to a stop but Rossi stopped her on the edge of the random house's grass, the lights flickering on from the poor family unaware of why there was a blood covered sobbing woman in their yard.

"Let them have this."


"They need each other, they just can't say it yet" Rossi said knowingly but it didn't make much sense to anyone until they looked over at how they held each other.

Darling gripped the back of Morgan's shirt and melted into his arms, sobbing into his chest and trying to grasp onto the usual feeling she felt in his arms; safe.

Morgan held her like she was the last breath of air on earth that he was keeping all for himself, clinging onto, never letting go again.

"I-I can't get the blood off" she bawled.

"It's okay, I'll help you get it off, I promise you, we'll get it off" he whispered through tears, his hand holding the back of her head close to him.

"I-I need to get it off-"

"I know, it's okay, you're okay" he reminded both her and him, squeezing her closer to him, "thank god you're okay Darl."

His desperation in his voice made her snap back to reality from her intensely overwhelmed state, looking up at him with such relief in her eyes, an agonising thought in her head that she knew she could never say out loud let alone admit to herself but had known for years;

I am so unbelievably in love with you.

She knew it more than ever now; she was utterly and hopelessly in love with him.

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficWhere stories live. Discover now