Chapter 3

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// hello! I thought I would continue writing this story, I got a bit stuck for ideas but here i am! if you are enjoying it pls pls pls comment and vote so I know wether I should continue or not.. thank you ! ^_^ \\

John returned 30 minutes later, after being caught twice, once by Mike in the cafeteria and then by running into a man he had gone to school with. Ethan. That's what his name was. John had never really been close with him in school but Ethan had a good work ethnic. John knew he would be going places. He also asked about Sherlock.

John was more than happy to complain about Sherlock's 'kicks' for dangerous situations and how he would automatically deduce someone who was actually interested in listening.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't even ask. What are you doing now?"

Ethan grinned. "I mostly work in neuroscience. Some abnormal psychology, research, experiments. Sherlock sounds like the perfect test subject."

John chuckled. "Oh god, don't let him hear you say that. He'll start performing even more experiments in the living room..."

Ethan smiled. "Are you two... together?"

John paled. "God no! I don't know why everyone gets that idea. We're just flatmates."

The other man nodded quickly. "Right. It's just the way you talk about him..." he waved a hand; smirking. "I won't keep you then. I heard he's one hell of a patient."

John grinned. "That's true. We should go out for a pint sometime. Catch up, you know?"

"Definitely," Ethan called to him as he began walking away.

John grinned. Sherlock would definitely pick up on this development, but there was no need to rush it. Especially after Sherlock found out the man was a researcher. He'd never leave him a moment's peace and there would be that friendship dead in the water.

No, he'd have to keep Sherlock away from Ethan.

"I got you something anyway," John declared, dropping the bag on the tray currently situated above Sherlock.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"I got you some food," John repeated. "Even though you told me you didn't want any."

Sherlock frowned. "I don't want any."
John returned twenty minutes later, having gotten ensnared twice, once in the cafeteria where he ran into Mike, and the second time in the elevator when he ran into a man he went to medical school with who'd heard all about Sherlock. Ethan. That was his name. John had never been particularly close to him, but he had a commendable work ethic and John knew he would go places. He asked after Sherlock.

John was more than happy to complain about Sherlock's propensity for dangerous situations and knack to get hurt to someone who was actually interested in listening.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't even ask. What are you doing now?"

Ethan grinned. "I mostly work in neuroscience. Some abnormal psychology, research, experiments. Your friend sounds like the perfect test subject."

John chuckled. "Oh god, don't let him hear you say that. He'll start performing even more experiments in the living room."

Ethan smiled. "Are you two... together?"

John paled. "God no. I don't know why everyone gets that idea. We're just flatmates."

The other man nodded. "Right. It's just the way you talk about him..." he waved a hand. "I shouldn't keep you. I heard he's a hell of a patient."

John grinned. "That's true enough. We should go out for a pint sometime. Get caught up."

"Definitely," Ethan called to him as he began walking away.

John grinned. Sherlock would definitely pick up on this development, but there was no need to rush it. Especially after Sherlock found out the man was a researcher. He'd never leave him a moment's peace and there would be that friendship dead in the water.

No, he'd have to keep Sherlock away from Ethan.

"I got you something anyway," John declared, dropping the bag on the rolling tray currently situated above Sherlock.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"I got you some food," John repeated. "Even though you told me you didn't want any."

Sherlock frowned. "I don't want any."

John rolled his eyes. "I know you don't, but I got you some anyway." He sat down in the chair and looked at the telly, Downton Abbey it looked like.

"John, what happened?" Sherlock said suddenly, avoiding any eye contact possible.

"Seriously Sherlock?"

Sherlock stared hard with his deep eyes.

John sighed,"We've been over this already. Twice in fact. Do you seriously not remember?"

For a second, a look of what could have been panic crossed Sherlock's face. But it was gone as soon as it appeared, and John couldn't help but think he imagined it, knowing that this was Sherlock, and since when did he panic. Or anything for that matter.

What may or may not have been panic was replaced by confusion.

Sherlock shook his head slowly.

"You were on a case. A man tried to kill you?"

"What case?"

John shook his head. "I don't even know the details. I wasn't there for most of it, and since you can't remember it, Lestrade is just trying to piece bits together."

"Well, then it's hardly my fault I don't remember," Sherlock huffed.

"Of course," John soothed.

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