I'll Fight For You

Start from the beginning

"And that is why the snow on the boiling isles doesn't melt." August looked up, "wow, that is a castle for sure."

It was a castle, with a mile long trench around it. The stone work must have taken years. I would even bet they are still building parts of the castle that we can't even see.

"Hello, Hexide, welcome to the castle." Kikimora exclaimed from across an extendable bridge. My class and I walked slowly across. Looking down over the bridge there were sharp spikes waiting to kill.

Kikimora was one of the few elite guards at the castle. I had read about her in a few books at the library. Apparently she is irritating and a nervous wreck.

As we entered the main entrance to the castle I could hear Kikimora talking but I for sure wasn't listening. I saw guards, someone I would be here someday. And interestingly enough the King's symbol was on almost every wall. Very high walls that look as if they were painted in gold. The rug under my boots looked speckled in gold.

Then, without knowing, I stumbled away from the group.

"I mean this architecture is just incredible! The use of triangles and cones is a work of a genius." I gestured to the entire hallway as I kept walking deeper into the castle, surprisingly I had only seen guards nearby Kikimora. "Kikimora?" I looked around and realized that I was away from the group. "Oh shit." I turned around, quickening my pace, turning hallways and running in circles. "I am never going to find my class at this rate."

"Just take a right then another right, that will lead you to the entrance." A mysterious voice spoke from behind me. I yelped, spinning and kicking the stranger in the shin. "Ow!"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean-" I looked down and saw the king's right hand man hunched over. The Golden Guard. I had just kicked the king's most prized person in the boiling isles, in the shin.

"I- I am so sorry, don't kill me!" I put my hands together and bowed respectfully.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Good reflexes though."

"Thank you, Golden Guard." I stood straight up, and examined his looks more carefully. "For an elite guard you sure are scrawny". I whispered.

"Uh... no I am not?" I didn't just say that out loud, right?

"Can you just help me get back with my class?" I don't want to embarrass myself anymore.

"That can be done." The golden guard went to step with his right leg and winced, holding tightly onto his staff in his left hand. "Maybe not."

I laughed a little under my breath. "Here," I put his right arm on my left shoulder and behind my head. "Let me repay you for kicking your shin." The golden guard did not respond, which felt slightly creepy. His mask hid every emotion he had. I didn't want to get him mad, so I struck up some good one sided conversation while we walked.

"Did you know that it is my dream to be a part of the emperor's coven?"

No response. Boring, not a very fun guy I can imagine at parties.

"Well...I have had it since I was a kid, it started when my parents told me that they worked at a castle. It just sounded so appealing to a five-year old me. And ever since then I have been training to earn my place as well."

"Go left. Then Right." That was a rude response, then again I did kick him in his shin. But he was just so friendly?

"It would be stupid at this point if I didn't get in since the head of it is my Aunt Lilth." I saw the Golden Guard grip his staff harder than needed. So I stopped talking momentarily. Then turning right I saw other guards and the entrance. "Hey look, we are here!"

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