I walked to my mom's bedroom and was even more taken aback by it. What used to be a neat and tidy bedroom turned into a mess. Bed sheets were on the floor, showing off the brown mattress. Clothes and mom's bags were everywhere as if rummaged.

I opened the closet and took some of my mom's clothes and then I locked the house, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell next door.

Peniel's mom opened it for me with a smile. "Yuhee!" She exclaimed, quickly pulling me into a hug. "How are you doing? How are you here?"

"I'm fine, thank you. I hope you're doing well." I said. "I just came by to get clothes for my mom and thought I should see you before I go."

"Aigoo, thank you. Come in for a while." She said, taking my hand and pulling me inside with her. "I'm actually on a video call with Peniel. He told me you convinced him to take on a project?"

"Oh, no, Peniel wouldn't take on it if he didn't want it in the first place."

Peniel's mom smiled. "Don't be so modest. I'm so glad you two are still friends. Peniel needs someone to push him a little bit harder to the right path from time to time."

"Mom, are you talking behind my back again?" Peniel asked from the video call.

I peeked on the camera and waved. "Hey, you."

"Oh! What are you doing there?"

"Grabbed some clothes for mom."

"You should've told me. I would've come with you!"

His mom clicked her tongue. "Aigoo, you're only in this town when Yuhee drags you."

"That's not true. I came by last week!" Peniel said defensively.

"Where is ahjussi?" I asked his mom.

"With his friends. I let him go out sometimes, so we don't get too sick of each other." She said jokingly. "Ah, right, did you drive your car here? I made a lot of side dishes today. Bring some with you."

"Mom, I'll go there this weekend. Don't make Yuhee carry all of those." Peniel said.

I quickly countered that. "No, I'll take them. Thank you, eommoni!"

"I might as well wrap up some for Peniel, Changsub, Hyunsik and Binna."

"Mom!" Peniel exclaimed.

I chuckled. "That's okay, eommoni. I'll take them all." I said, ignoring Peniel's protests. His mom packed up a lot of food as if she knew I was coming. I bid my good bye to her and then I put all of the food she gave in my car.

Just as I closed the door, I immediately felt a change in my guts. I turned to see my father standing beside me, eyes shooting daggers at me.

"You're really brave coming out here after what you did to me." He said, reeking of alcohol even though he's a few feet away.

I swallowed, unwilling to show any sign of intimidation. "You're really brave still lingering around here when you have a restraining order. Didn't they tell you that you can't come here anymore?"

Passive Aggressive: BTOB PenielWhere stories live. Discover now