Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Exile

"You're pregnant?" He grinned. I nodded. "Are you sure." He asked seriously. "I felt it kick when you were talking to Christine." I explained smiling. Getting up Blake wrapped me up in a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna be a daddy." He said in excitement.

"And I'm gonna be a mommy."

Later that day Kelly woke up in her restraints. She was question of her loyalty of the pack. She admitted to attacking me, there was a number of witnesses so she must of felt like she had to, but because of her smirk upholding her otherwise expressionless face while admitting, she was exiled from the pack. She obviously didn't regret it. When she found out she was being exiled though, she tried to lunge at me only to be pulled back by the restraint, which only made her madder.

I didn't like the feeling of having someone exiled, even if I truly didn't like her., but I knew it was for me and my baby's protection. It had to happen.

After the past hour of events I have been left totally exhausted and hungry. Walking into the living room I sat down next to Blake and put my feet on his lap. Closing my eyes, I sighed and opened them back up. Blake started rubbing my ankles, " You hungry?" Blake asked.

"mhmmm" I mumbled in agreement. He chuckled at my exhaustion then leaned over to give my forehead a kiss.

"I'll order take out. You want anything special?" He asked softly.

"Little Cesar's." I screamed in happiness. Little Cesar's sounded really good at the moment. Who in there right mind would pass up an opportunity to have it? He chuckled at my excitement too and went in the kitchen to order. Closing my eyes I let exhaustion sweep through me and soon I was asleep.

I was in a meadow of flowers. The wind was blowing and you could see the shedded flower petals flying in the breeze. Giggling was heard on my left but when I turned I saw nothing.I had no control over my body, I could only watch. My body moved through the long grass and flowers, I looked only to hear the giggling now on my right. I had no idea what it was but my mind had its own thoughts and sent a rush of happiness and love to my heart.

"Oh where...Oh where can you be?" I sang walking through the flowers even further.

More giggling and following it was a 'shh' noise but a manlier chuckled afterward. Even he couldn't stop from laughing. The voice sounded familiar and it quickly clicked who it belonged to. Blake.

My dream self seemed to already know who it was seeing as the huge smile that formed on her face.

More giggling sounded but when she move forward more it ceased. "I can't seem to find them anywhere, I might as well go then." She faked disappointment.

"No mommy." Cried a voice of a child. She turned around with a smile on her face and bent down as the child threw is arms around her. Giving him a hug she bent down and said, "I would never leave you, Eli. Do you know why?"

"why?" said the little boy.

"Because I love you, so much." She said smiling down at the 3 year old bundle of joy.

"How much?" The little boy said with a giggle.

"To the moon and back again." She said giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"That's not possible." He said, to which she replied," and why not?"

"Because then there would be no way for me to love you more." The little boy said as if it was an obvious thing.

"There'll be a way." She said and with that the tickling began.

I woke up then with a smile on my face. Blake walked in with the food and noticed me smiling at nothing. "You okay?" He asked.

"Everything's perfect."


Hey guys so thats the first chapter

Comment what you think along with the answers to these questions.

What did you think of her dream?

Are you happy that Kelly was exiled?

What do you think will happen next?

Love you guys and remember to Comment, Vote, and Fan.


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