The Holy Trinity

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Billions of light years away from the Milky way in the centre of the ever changing space there were three entities . Three cosmic entities who were present since the beginning of time , no one knows about their origin but their purpose was known to watch over the the dimensions and to protect,create even destroy life in those dimensions if need arises .

These three entities together were known as the "holy trinity". "The future of the universe 199999 is grim and the path they are walking on may lead to a multidimensional crisis if not resolved properly" Brahma the creator said , the grim and sober expressions on the faces of the other two gods bolstered his conjecture . "The celestials have threatened us that they will sever dimensional passages between the different earths and also between earth and other realms if we try to interfere with their plans on judging humanity's worthiness" Vishnu the protector retorted. Meanwhile an idea was starting to take place in the mind of the all seeing eyes of Shiva the destroyer. "We cannot interfere in the matters ourselves but we can send our representative to help with this crisis" Shiva stated ,the other two gods caught on to the idea he was proposing. "The yoddha is still young, do you think she will be able to achieve this task ?" Brahma asked , he was hesitant as it was a herculean task to steer an entire dimension into the correct path and one mistake could lead the whole dimension into destruction.

"We can send a representative after all if Odin can create an indestructible automaton named 'Destroyer' to overthrow the celestial then we can atleast send our young warrior to save humanity" Vishnu reasoned . "She is born in a cursed bloodline but she still has blood of the warrior in her veins and the heart of a hero beating in her body , in addition to that she woud not be alone we would be there to guide her and the soul would protect her at all costs" Shiva reassured Brahma . "She is also well informed about the dimensions upcoming threats and dangers as it is all fiction in her world , it makes her the perfect candidate for this task plus we can use this as a method to test her based on the seven principals of a warrior" Vishnu said further bolstering Shiva's point. "Then we have to act fast as the curse is going to befall upon her on the eve of her 15th birthday and he's still on the lookout for the warrior's mark if he knows that she will bear the mark than he may try to take advantage of her" Brahma said expressing his concern.  

"Well since we are all in agreement let's take a look at who our young to-be yoddha will be !" Vishnu said , intrigue churning in the depth of his mind as to who this young one will be like whom Shiva trusts the fate of a dimension . He waved his hand and a thin layer of shimmering mist appeared in front of the three it was swirling in a beautiful rainbow array before showing the image of a young teen with brown hair which was so dark in shade it resembled the darkness of the whole space itself , her eyes were pools of darkness which held happiness but also deeply seated sorrow and anger . She was dancing and marching across the wood panelled floors of her room but was cut short as she abruptly slipped and face planted onto the floor.

Vishnu winced at that and looked to his two companions who held both a grimace and amusement on their faces at the antics of the young hero. "Vishnu are you sure we have the right person ?" asked Brahma confused as to what the young girl was doing. "What was she doing?" asked Shiva amused knowing that both his companions have their own fair share of embarrassing moments even if they were gods. Vishnu scratched the back of his neck and replied "I think this is what the young ones call 'vibing' in modern terms but unfortunately our young warrior faced an unfortunate accident during her praise worthy performance". Both the gods chuckled at this feeling their spirits lifted by the light hearted moment brought upon by the girl. "She is a 'fan' of the 'marvel cinematic universe' and also reads imaginary stories based on the universe known as 'fan fiction' so maybe she will be the perfect candidate to do this" Vishnu said mirth and humour shining in his eyes as he knew what 'fan fiction' was having coming across one application called 'wattapad' when he was on earth disguised as a mortal unlike the other two who didn't involve themselves in the worldly affairs of humans.

Divija's P.O.V:

It was the morning of my 15th birthday which would have been a very exciting day for me if I didn't have school that day but regardless I was in a pretty good mood as I woke up at six in the morning singing to a downright crappy bollywood song but the tune was just stuck in my mind . As I was making my way through the hallway after finishing my morning routine and changing my uniform all while humming the same obnoxious tune I tripped over nothing and did an epic landing on the floor face first. Huh Natasha would be proud of your epic superhero landing the voice inside my head said "Well this birthday is already off to a great start" I muttered all while rubbing my now red nose which would have given Rudolf the Reindeer a run for his money . Reindeer Heh.... my immature mind wandered off to thinking about marvel movie. Entering the kitchen I saw my mom having a cup of tea , when she saw me she gave me a warm smile and gave me a tight hug which made all the pain instantly vanish in that moment. "Happy Birthday mera bachcha". Since I was 10 years old it has always been me and my mom as my dad sorry sperm donor left my mom alone and she had to raise a child all on her own in a patriarchal society like India but despite of all the difficulties she worked hard and raised me without any help.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my mom kept my breakfast in front of me. I quickly finished up my breakfast with utmost grace and poise well with as much grace as a hungry and starving dog who must be starved for two weeks would be and rushed up to wear the socks of my uniform hopping about the living room like a kangaroo whilst my mom was outright laughing at my state. "You wouldn't have to do all this if you didn't waste so much time singing songs in the shower having your own private concert" she said wiping of the tears from the corner of her eyes while still chuckling. My face heated up in embarrassment as I whined "Maa...". I quickly wore my shoes and gave my mom another hug as I left my house unaware that this day would be the start of all my pain and hardships.

School was as exhausting and boring it could be since I had already finished up the course work for tenth grade and started reading up on eleventh grade physics. After an uneventful birthday at school when I returned to the apartment complex I rung the door bell waiting for my mother to open the door since she must be already back from work. After five minutes there still no response and I could not hear anything I used my spare key and entered the apartment thinking that maybe she was running late from work. As I entered the living room I called for her but received no response by then I had a horrible feeling in my gut and my hands became cold and clammy something isn't right the voice inside my head this made my heart skip a beat as I raced towards her bedroom and the sight which greeted me chilled my bones and made my stomach churn as I saw my mother passed out on the floor lifeless.

I screamed "MOM!!!" as I skidded onto the floor and held her in my arms as I checked her pulse which was steady as which made me sigh in relief but the feeling of dread and horror returned when I shook her trying to wake her up but she wasn't waking up. My vision was becoming blurry with tears as I was rapidly blinking them away my heart was racing and my breathing was heavy as I pleaded "Maa please wake up ..... please....." my throat clogged up as i frantically searched for her cell phone to call the hospital all while thinking that I can't lose her too after all there's no one else . For a moment all I could see was darkness an eternal abyss threatening to swallow me up. I shook my head dispelling the darkness in my mind as I found the phone and was going to call for an ambulance when there was a bright light shining lighting up the whole room in a heavenly aura then everything went dark.

A/N : Well guys this was the first chapter of Yoddha . What do you think about it ?  . What might have happened to Divija's mom and who is the "he" the three gods are worried about?
"Bachcha" in Hindi means kid or child btw

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