"Shower, clothes, food- and then you behave?" He offered with a stern tone.

Reid let himself breathe and nodded, "yes, but only if you promise not to hurt her."

"Spencer wait, please don't leave me alone-" Darling felt a panic of having to be alone with Jefferey as he pulled her up the stairs, a place she had only been dragged up for the 'tests' that she hadn't told Reid about but the look in her eyes when she came back was enough to make him worry too when she left.

"It'll be okay, he won't hurt you" Reid tried to assure both her and him.

"That son of a bitch hurt her!" Morgan slammed his fist on the table as the team all watched the video tape Garcia showed them of Darling.

She was being forced to navigate her way out of a dark locked normal suburban bedroom after being injected with heroine, all the door knobs and windows having razor blades glued onto them and a rubex cube with the periodic table on it placed on the bed for her to do to be able to leave.

She couldn't figure it out, she could easily do it usually but the drugs and fear was too much- especially when Clause pushed Jefferey into the room in a hooded mask, telling him over the baby monitor speaker to punish her.

"N-no, no please, I'm trying" Darling begged before a reluctant fist hit her, a mumbled apology in German from Jefferey.

"Try harder, or you'll end up as a broken toy" Clause spoke over the monitor, "don't make me make him punish you on the bed like the others."

Darling's panic and fear of that threat seemed to oddly be shared with Jefferey who seemed just as much as a prisoner to all of this as her.

"Please... no, do not make me do that again" he begged the monitor quietly.

"There- pause it there" Emily pointed out, "he doesn't want to hurt her, he's being told to by someone on that monitor."

"The guy just hit her so hard she flew across the floor and spat blood out, what do you mean he doesn't want to hurt her?!" Morgan was just as outraged as when he first watched the tape days ago.

"Turn up the audio Garcia, just the male voices" Hotch ordered.

'Please... no, do not make me again.'

"The victims, did they have signs of sexual assault?" Rossi asked Emily who was flicking through the files.

"Only a few of them, yeah, that's why we couldn't match the MO since not all of them did."

"It's because the tests change, as do the punishments- the main unsub is controlled by his emotions" Hotch pointed out, "much like a child."

"So you think a child is in charge of all of these sadistic things?" Ashely said with disbelief.

"Not a child- an older teenager" Hotch added, "look at the tests, they all look homemade- the rubex cube, the Jenga tower; it's like he's reliving his childhood."

"And what about the other guy?" Morgan asked, not being able to stop his jaw clenching with anger towards the man who had just hit Darling on the tape and was now kicking her after being ordered to before he noticed something they hadn't before just before the tape cut out.

"Pause it! Rewind and zoom in to there" he walked to the screen and Garcia did.

The team watched as the man kicked Darling over and over again, until on the 5th swing she grabbed his leg and bit as hard as she could before the video quickly cut out.

"She bit him?" Rossi said in shock.

Morgan couldn't help his small smile, "atta girl."

"That's why it was cut off, he didn't want us seeing his 'experiment' fight back" Hotch pointed out.

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