PART 6 ~ Mangi (Mango)

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*Whenever I type Mangi, it keep autocorrect the name into Mango 😂
Should I just call him Mango?🤔


In the last part......

🔹The V-Hit crew has defeated the comedy crew in a..... dramatic way. Y/N hang out with both Taehoon and Munseong for entertainment. In their half game, Munseong received a message and he left from the cyber cafe.🔹


"What!? Stalker? You're being stalked?"

Y/N slams the table and asks loudly. The customers in MicDonald are all looking at the girl.

"Calm down, Y/N. And luckily Munseong is there for me." Bomi sighs.

'Ooh, that's why he ran away out of the sudden.'

"And Hobin was also there."

"Really? Why wasn't he start the Livestream?" Y/N has widen her eyes.

"No, he just wanted to save me. But..."

"Oh, I get it now."


The V-Hit channel is having a Livestream now. Y/N jolts from her bed and she enters the live.

It's Jihyeok. He started the live himself, to clarify the rumors. Jihyeok feels uneasy and nervous as he need to try his best to bring back the fans to their side.

'Poor Snapper'

Y/N types a few words into the chat.


Ganbatte, V-Hit!

I would like to see them in a fight LOL

Such a pity


Jihyeok ends the live after explaining the incident. Y/N struggles whether to confront Hobin or not. If she do so, she afraid to hurt his pride. In vice versa, she afraid Hobin will pick a fight with the wrestling guy. Y/N keeps knocking her head, trying to make a decision.

Until she sees a notification from the V-Hit channel.

'Eh? Live again?'

Out of curiosity, Y/N presses the button. The camera is shaking, and the people who grabs the camera is moving faster.

'Is he on a bike?'

And later, A tall guy with a big figure appears on the screen.

"Yo, Mangi!" Hobin called him.

'Mangi? Is it the wrestling guy? Is Hobin going to fight him?'

Y/N's excitement appears on her eyes again. She peeks a few times on her phone and went out. She's going to where Hobin is.


"Hey everyone. We're Viral Hit."

Snapper is catching the phone, facing the camera to them. The viewers can see Hobin is groping Mangi's chest, in a..... pleasant way?

"Calf kick!"

Hobin uses his iconic technique.

However, Mangi doesn't feel any pain on him, as they, a professional wrestler, has been training their every body parts, including their tiptoes, so that they won't get toppled over.

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