All in all, Jeongguk absolutely despises him.

"What," he growls, narrowing his eyes at the other boy. If it was anyone else, they'd be cowering in fear from the death glare. But not Taehyung. The boy doesn't even so much as flinch, large chocolate eyes behind silver-rimmed spectacles set in a firm stare.

"Unbuttoned collar, Jeon. Detention later." Taehyung says, low voice smooth and even as he rips off a little detention slip from God-knows-where, handing it to Jeongguk. Jeongguk doesn't take the paper, doesn't even give it a look, glare trained on the older boy in front of him.

"And why should I?" He retorts testily. It never works- always backfires on him- but doesn't mean he can't try.

"Because," the elder starts, voice unwavering as always, "you don't want to be visiting the principal's office, again."

Jeongguk hates that he's right.

He snatches the detention slip with detest, gripping it to a point of almost crumpling it. He's tempted to squash it into a ball and throw it at the other boy.

"Also, you might want to try something else." Taehyung says, "Strawberry doesn't really cover the strong smell of cigarettes." Jeongguk hears the underlying mockery in his words.

As the elder turns around sharply, walking away to wherever he was originally heading to, Jeongguk grits his teeth in anger, balling the paper in his fist.

"Fuck you, Kim!" He seethes, hurling the crushed paper at Taehyung's retreating shadow. It falls weakly to the ground and, as if on cue, the bell rings again, echoing throughout the empty hallways.

So much for getting to class on time.


"He gave you detention for that?"

Jeongguk nods his head slowly, as if he can barely be bothered to even do that much, kicking his feet off the side of the building from the ledge they're seated on. The school grounds seem a hell of a lot smaller from up here, the entire city on display to wash it out, but, somehow, on the ground, it feels like miles stretch from the main building to the front gates.

He distantly wonders if he could use that as an excuse for his lateness next time, so he won't have to sit through another ten-minute lecture in front of the whole class about it. Not that it was even his fault he was late this morning.

Hoseok shakes his head, frustratedly, chewing the gum he mooched from Jeongguk earlier after the boy caught him about to throw it out. The strawberry is just as nauseating now as it'd been in his own mouth. He wonders how Kim could even smell the cigarette over a scent so overpowering.

"That kid thinks he's so damn great, doesn't he?" Yoongi murmurs, head tilted down at his phone like he isn't even listening in- but he never misses an opportunity to shit talk Kim Taehyung. He's got almost as many problems with him as Jeongguk has. Almost. Somehow, Jeongguk's always the one getting caught instead of him. Yoongi says it's because he's terrible at being sneaky, but he thinks Taehyung just hates him more.

He huffs in response, snapping, "Yes, he fuckin' does," knowing fine well that that perfect fucking asshole has a superiority complex that could rival Alexander the Great, just from how he walks down those damn halls like he owns them and looks at Jeongguk like he's dirt on the sole of his shoe.

Jeongguk's pride refuses to be wounded like that.

"God," He whines, irately, "I'd just love to kick him off his stupid pedestal."

Hoseok seems to perk up slightly at this, turning his head to him as his teeth sink into the bubble he's blowing. The gum deflates rather sadly- but his eyes flicker with something much much more alive.

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