Seeing Chaewon shrugging it off as she closed her eyes for a little while walking,

Chaeyeon really feels that there's got to be something else behind this mini walk they did,

And whatever or whoever that something else may be,

Might be bringing more than a reason for Chaewon to live better,

And make her question everything else happening in her life two times more as soon as she wakes up in the morning.

"That isn't really how you've been thinking throughout this whole week"

"I need to know who changed your perspective in life because as of what I remember"

Sniffing some scented vapor rub directly out of the small tin she's been holding,

Chaeyeon regrets making Sakura handle the timer on her aircon last night because she was too tired to set it once she jumped right in bed,

That's how her aircon ended up staying on until one of them woke up,

Who clearly is her because her nose was starting to feel all stuffy and irritating.

"You told me last Tuesday that if you were going to die that night,

You want me, Eunbi unnie, Hyewon and Heecheol oppa to be the one taking care of your funeral"

"That wasn't me."

"Oh I'm sure that was you, maybe drunk you"

A grin and some teasing looks headed right at Chaewon made the girl smile back,

It did make their walk end on a good note because ever since Chaeyeon here received texts from Chaewon,

She knew that whatever is happening with her as of now,

Makes Chaeyeon to be the one responsible to distract her,

And to make her smile at least once while they are together.

"Be glad I haven't punched you yet."

"Oh now I really want to experience being punched by you"

"I think you will eventually."


Grabbing some coffee on their way back and even chilling for a little back at the coffee shop they passed by,

It made Chaeyeon completely forget about Sakura,

And that left her with an hour long phone call earlier about dating things and relationship stuff,

Specifically that what she did just now was a huge 'red flag' for someone with her personality.

And if she doesn't make it up to her then Sakura would just wait back at her place for her to plead her way back in,

It left Chaewon with no other choice to take half the blame since she's indeed the mastermind behind all of this,

And for the both of them to make it up to Kura,

Her lunch today will also be free at her premises since her girlfriends already here.

"Lunch for three?"

"For four actually."


Going in Chaewon's house is the usual when their other halves are not with them since she's one of the lucky ones left not inside a relationship,

That kind of makes her place the hang out place when one of them gets all angry about their girlfriend,

That's also why Chaewon's all used to the shallow fights and whines before,

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