𝔾𝕪𝕞 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ✲

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Eijiro didn't want to go to the gym, but Mina forced him to go with her so they could get a couple membership discount so he had to oblige. Not that they were actual couple, because both of them were gay as fuck, but getting a discount was nice and they didn't hurt anyone. Besides, now that he had a membership, it wouldn't hurt if he got a little more exercise.

So, he went to the gym with Mina–it was the gym that Midoriya recommended because his childhood friend, who'd just recently moved back to town, was working there–and after Mina was done with their registration, the nice lady in the reception was telling them to wait here while she called one of their personal trainers to meet them and started the exercise plan for them.

They didn't wait long until someone appeared and Eijiro's jaw was on the floor because it was the hottest man the red-head had ever seen in his entire life.

The guy had untamable spiky ash-blond hair that made him sexy as hell. He packed very nice muscles, veins and bulges well defined all over his arms and legs visible because of the black sleeveless shirt and shorts. His eyes were piercing and the small friendly smile he had on his handsome face made him feel things.

"Hi, I'm Katsuki Bakugo, your assigned personal trainer," he said. And, God, his voice was perfect like warm caramel. Like a blanket on a rainy day. Like the gentle creak of an ancient tree in an even more ancient forest. A voice that was low, deep–far deeper than expected–warm, and had a soothing timbre that honestly, he could listen for hours.

"Oh, you're Midoriya's friend!," Mina's voice pulled Kirishima out of his own daydreaming about the blond's voice.

Katsuki blinked at them for a moment, shaking his head before smiling at them once again, a little wider, "Ah, so you're the ones the nerd told me about." The blond took their registration data from the receptionist as he led them into the gym. "So, Ashido and Kirishima," he read, to which Eijiro nodded when his name was mentioned, "we're definitely gonna start with cardio first today so that I know where your limit is, but before that, we're gonna discuss the exercise plan for you. Do you two prefer to have the same schedule or is it fine to have separate days? You know, since you're a couple–"

"We're not. She's lesbian and I'm gay," the red-head cut off before his brain could register what he was saying and he received a particularly hard elbow on his ribs courtesy of Mina. He hissed at her, but she was glaring at him.

Right. They were supposed to pretend that they were a couple for the discount. But Katsuki was so hot Kirishima didn't want him to think he was taken just in case the blond was swinging for his team...? Eijiro was pretty confident with his appearance, and it wouldn't be manly if he didn't take a risk.

Katsuki raised an eyebrow at them, but then chuckled. "I'm gonna overlook the details here because you're Deku's friends, but I guess it means it's okay for you to have one on one days with me, yeah?" Katsuki was directly looking at Kirishima while asking that question and it made the male blush pretty hard.

He heard Mina sighed next to him. "How about you hook me up with that personal trainer lady over there," she said, pointing at a personal trainer with short brown hair, "so that Kiri can have you for himself?"

That made Eijiro blush even harder but Katsuki grinned and nodded. "Of course. I'm sure Uraraka would love to be your trainer. Let me talk to her," he said, and walked away to talk with the nice-looking lady, leaving Kirishima and Mina alone.

The pink haired female smiled and patted her friend's shoulder, "Don't ever say that I never do anything nice for you."

Eijiro rolled his eyes, but he was saved from having to reply when Katsuki called Mina to meet Uraraka and then the man himself came back to where the red-head was waiting.

He probably would love going to the gym a whole lot.

𝔾𝕪𝕞 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ✲Where stories live. Discover now