Start from the beginning

"That's my sister" Theon gawked, gaping like a fish out of water.

The individuals stooped at a few metres distance, before the leading female bowed shallowly at him, as if mocking him.

"Greetings" She said smoothly "My name is Asha Greyjoy, the only daughter of Balon Greyjoy, and I have come to meet with Robb Stark, The King In The North".

The party was greeted with silence, as everyone tried to figure out what should they do.

"How did you find us" Wulfric asked "How did you know we are at Old Town".

The female, Asha, smiled coldly "The Starks and The Lannisters aren't the only ones who have spies". She said.

Before his cousin or anyone can say anything, Robb interrupted "I believe we should, discuss this somewhere else" He said in his kingly voice.

Asha looked at him and nodded slowly "I will come alone" She said "My men will stay with in the ships".

"Very well" Robb nodded in return before he and his guest began heading back to his camp, outside the city.


Back in Robb's tent, Robb along with Theon and all his Lords stood, facing Asha.

"What do mean, that Victorian wants to attack the North?" Robb questoned iridiculously.

Apparently Balon Greyjoy had suddenly died and his brother Victorian had, illegally, declared himself The King Of The Iron Islands.

"Theon is the rightful heir of The Iron Islands, and Victorian had usurped his rightful place by crowing himself without a Kingsmoot" Asha said simply "He knows that his position as King is very fragile, so he wants to prove himself by attacking the North".

Robb struggled to hold his disbelief at the stupidity of Victorian Greyjoy. He cannot understand the Greyjoy's reasoning. The Iron Born warriors are masters at sea but they are no good at land particularly in siege warfare. The Greyjoys failed siege of Seagard comes to his mind. Where even though the Iron Born outnumbered the defenders, they were soundly defeated by Jason Mallister and his troops.

And now Victorian wants to attack the North, which is heavily fortified and have a navy protecting it, instead of the rich plunders of thee Westerlands and Reach which have very few men guarding it and we're venerable to any attack.

"The Lords didn't took that very well. Crowning himself without a kingsmoot, is not only an act of usurpation, but also breaking our long standing tradition. It is no surprise that he couldn't even bring the whole of the Iron Fleet to his side let alone the other Ironborn and their ships. He was able to take half the fleet and sail North." Asha said coldly remembering.

"Is Your Uncle mad" Smalljon Umber said "Or did he forget, the butt kicking the Iron Born got when they tried to attack the North during the Greyjoy Rebellion" he mocked causing the gathered Northern Lords to laugh and Asha to scowl in anger.

The Battle Of Bay Of Ice is still an embarrassing defeat for the Iron Fleet during the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Robb looked at Theon who is looking down and felt a little sad for him. Theon's brother Rodrik Greyjoy died at the Battle Of Bay Of Ice and his men are mocking that in front of him.

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