The Job Fair (1)

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Kiyotaka himself had been stopped by a two men and three woman coming from different reputable hospitals from the Chiba prefecture saying that they would be observing his progress with great interest.

Too bad for them, I am not planning on becoming an actual doctor anyway or rather I won't be able to.

"Ehhhhh? What is dad doing here?", Kei exclaimed.


"Eh? Kei-chan's dad?"

They saw a man standing next to a vending machine on the sidewalk. Amongst all of the hubbub, the man was drinking a cool drink looking at all the stalls lined up. 

A few seconds later, he spotted the group of three and his bored eyes lit up as he waved at them. 

Kei immediately made a 90 and started walking away but Kiyotaka immediately grabbed her shoulder, "Let's go say hi."

She looked back at him with pleading eyes, "Please no, he'll embarrass me infront of everyone."

After a brief stare down and a nudge from Hiyori, she finally relented.

They made their over to Mr. Karuizawa who had an amused expression on his face as if he knew what had happened with Kei.

As they were a few feet away he said in a loud voice, "How's my little sugar-".

He was met with a furious Kei clamping her hand on his mouth as she gave him a half-hearted punch in the gut. 

Hiyori and Kiyotaka both realised at the same time why Kei previously reacted like that.

After a round of awkward greetings Kei finally asked, "What are you even doing on the campus dad?".

"Hmm? Don't know you know? I'm spending the day in my company's stall.", he said pointing at a crowd in front of a relatively big stall compared to the others. He sighed, "It's a nightmare in there. My co-worker's holding down the fort while I'm taking a break. Wait, didn't I already tell Kiyotaka I'd be coming here though?"

All of them looked at Kiyotaka suspiciously. Hiyori seemed to have understand and was struggling to control her laughter.

"I..... forgot."

Hiyori started laughing and Kei gave him the stink eye.

My intention wasn't to embarrass her, I needed to meet Pops without her getting in between. There's something to be done and meeting her father would've been difficult if she had known.

"Let's go get that form filled up Kiyotaka.", Pops said.

"Eh? What form?", Kei asked suspiciously.

Kiyotaka decided to tell her honestly. "It's just an application form for the post of Personal Secretary of the CEO. Since it accepts anyone from all courses and years, I decided to apply."

"Eh! That means..."

"Yes, I'll be busy for the better half of summer break with that and my part-time job.", he said. "Besides, its just an application form. There are many others applying too from other colleges, I can't say for sure that I will get the position."

He saw her furiously pondering for a minute before speaking up again.

"I guess you do need money for moving into a new place...", she said.


He felt like Hiyori was going to say something but Kei spoke up quickly before she could, "but, don't think that you can blow me off because of work.", she finished nodding her head.

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