Family of Blood

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Terry looked around as she landed, mildly noting that she was in a study of sorts.


At the familiar cry, Terry turned with a smile and she greeted, "Martha Jones-?"

Terry broke off with a confused frown while Martha hugged Terry tightly, gasping with relief.

"Thank God, you're here! Oh, this is brilliant! Good timing, as usual, angel."

"Thanks." Terry answered distractedly, still frowning as she looked Martha up and down. "But before that, what are you wearing?"

Martha looked down at her maid's outfit, before she looked back up at Terry with a grimace.

"Long story." The companion sighed. "Anyway, the important thing is the Family!"

Terry's face flooded with understanding, and she asked immediately, "When are we?"


"No," Terry interrupted impatiently, "I meant, when are we? Is the Family here yet?"

"Oh. Yes!" Martha answered quickly. "They're attacking the school, and the Doctor's actually holding a gun, and he's bringing all the boys out to fight, and he doesn't remember-"

"Come on, then." Terry ordered as she grabbed Martha's hand and started dragging her out. "First of all, we need to stop the Doctor; then I need to wake him up before the Family can get me."

"Right – because you're a Time Lady, too." Martha realized. "If they got a hold of you, the Doctor's changing into a human would be for nothing!"

"Exactly. Now come on!" Terry said as she raced out of the study with Martha.

"Oh, wait! Don't we need the Doctor's fob watch?" Martha asked as she started to jerk Terry back to a stop.

"It's not here." Terry dismissed, pulling Martha along with her at a run again. "Don't worry, it'll come to us, eventually."

"What does that mean?" Martha asked, puzzled as she hurried down the stairs after Terry.

"Spoilers!" Terry called back as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

She paused for only a moment to get her bearings before she darted toward the right. Martha had just reached the bottom of the stairs when Terry ran back past her.

"Other way!"

Martha ran behind Terry as she ran for the front doors where she could hear the sound of gunshots firing. She vaguely noticed the woman standing by the windows. But Terry breezed past, headed for the familiar tall brunette standing at the head of the group of boys.

The Doctor's gun was the only one not smoking as the headmaster shouted, "Cease fire!" But Terry wasn't taking any chances. She grabbed his gun, startling the man, and tossed it aside.

"Oi! Who are you?" The Doctor - or rather, John Smith - demanded while the headmaster, who hadn't seen Terry yet, walked over to the destroyed scarecrows he and his students had been firing at.

"Doctor, can you hear me?" Terry called in her mind... only to be met by utter silence. A throb of pain shot through her hearts, much more poignant than Terry had expected. But she shook off the pain and the loneliness as she instead addressed John aloud.

"I'm Terry Storm." Terry told John, who was becoming increasingly white-faced as he stared at her. Like he recognized her. Assuming it was his subconscious that knew her and was confusing him, Terry added urgently, "But never mind that for now. Right now, we have to move-"

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