Crimson Horror

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The vast moors of northern England stretched out as far as the eye could see while a single carriage as dark as midnight clicked it's way through the Yorkshire foggy roads. Inside the comfortable coach, Madame Vastra spoke in a mysterious tone to an excited Jenny.

"According to my research, Sweetville's proprietor holds recruitment drives for her little community. She is only interested in the fittest and the most beautiful."

Jenny smiled as Vastra's tone became a little flirtatious near the end of her sentence, the happy couple leaning toward each other where they sat side by side on the velvet seat, but their romantic mood was interrupted.

"You may rely on me, ma'am." Strax beamed proudly across the carriage at his mistress, placing a hand on his heart.

The smile slid off Vastra's face as she looked at Strax in surprise before she answered very pointedly, "I was, in fact, speaking to Jenny."

Strax's own smile vanished and he repeated, "Jenny."

Vastra raised a brow while Jenny smiled politely and nodded; only to have her own smile removed as well when Strax barked sternly.

He sat back as though that set"If this weak and fleshy boy is to represent us," Jenny almost rose in protest but Vastra's hand stopped her, "I strongly recommend the issuing of scissor grenades, limbo vapour and triple blast brain splitters."

Vastra allowed Strax to finish triumphantly before she asked, blinking in her confusion, "What for?"

Strax stared at his mistress before he answered as though it were obvious, "Just generally. Remember: we are going to the north."

He leaned back as though that settled the matter while Vastra and Jenny exchanged looks before wisely deciding that some things were just better off left alone.


They left Jenny outside the meeting hall where Mrs. Gillyflower was recruiting people for her 'Sweetville'. After Jenny disappeared into the hall where she would sign up as one of the volunteers willing to move to Sweetville, Vastra whispered from under her veil.

"If our stratagem succeeds, Jenny will infiltrate deep into the black heart of this curious place."

"And how will she locate the Doctor?" Strax questioned, frowning slightly in thought.

"To find him, she needs only ignore all keep-out signs, go through every locked door, and run towards any form of danger that presents itself." Vastra answered firmly.

"Business as usual, then." Strax nodded and Vastra smiled.

"Business as usual." She agreed when a voice piped up from beside her.

"This is all very well and good, Madame Vastra, but I have just one question - why am I still here?"

Vastra turned to the very put out brunette beside her. Terry, now dressed in full Victorian attire, had sulked throughout the entire ride from London, disappointed at being kept back from going to save the Doctor but Vastra had an airtight argument to keep Terry at bay. Not that it made Terry any happier about ceding the argument but Vastra didn't mind. She found the young woman's antics highly adorable and if it weren't for the fact that she was already happily married Vastra would have been tempted to seduce the pretty pout off Terry's face. As it was, the Silurian merely smiled indulgently as she patted Terry's cheek.

"Now, now, we've been through this, Terry, and you heard what I just told Strax. The Doctor would have our heads if you were to end up in any form of danger."

"Will all due respect, ma'am." Terry replied rather dryly. "I'm quite certain the Doctor's dragged me into far more trouble and danger than you and I are ever likely to concoct."

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