Sharp, Stabbing, Heart Shards

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Third-person POV

It's the next day after school. Yesterday, Draco sent a letter to y/n saying he wants to meet up with her again. So y/n is waiting in the shadows of the courtyard, yet-again. Draco spots her, he goes up to her and takes his hood off.

y/n POV

"Draco your hood..!" I softly tell Draco as he approached me. I get nervous, that was really unexpected... Maybe he isn't embarrassed to be seen with me anymore..?

"L/n, I'm fed up with you." He tells me with a cold, sharp, glare.

I start to feel anxious and my palms are starting to become sweaty. My eyes are visibly trembling as well.

"D-Draco..?" I say while my voice is shaking.

"Did you not hear me? I said that I'm fed up with you. You annoy the absolute bloody heck out of me." He told me off, still as cold and painful as a blizzard with the fierce of an angry tiger.

I'm confused. My whole body is shaking and trembling. He was usually nicer to me than others... right? We tell each other everything and are basically best friends so I don't understand— maybe something is wrong..?

"Look, Draco, if something is wrong, you can tell me. You can tell me anythi—"

"I said I'm fed up with you. You're so irritating, what do you not understand. Such an imbecile." He cut me off.

"Is that why you just ditched me in the library like that? Was that when you decided you had enough of me? Why did you try to help me all of those times then? You know there were times where I thought you might've like—"

"Like you? You really are stupid, aren't you? I only helped you because you were so pathetic and hopeless. The amount of pity I felt for you was unbearable and irritated me, so I had to do something for my own sake.", He cut me off again,

"Unlike someone like Granger, you absolutely have no talent or skill. I can't believe I let your grubby, filthy, hands touch mine. I can't believe I tried so hard to be nice to you, so maybe that's my biggest mistake. Do you know how many times I washed my hands last night? I wanted to cut them off! Besides, I'm more into someone like Parkinson, and I'll be taking her to the Yule Ball."

All of those words spat out of his mouth.

I feel betrayed. I'm a complete moron. My mind is turning blank, and I can feel the hatred breaking in. I want to breakdown and cry on the spot. However, I'll just save myself from any further embarrassment.

Once, he felt so warm to be around. I felt like he didn't care if I was being myself. But now? I hate him. I absolutely despise his guts to death. I wish we had never met, even if it meant not going to Hogwarts.

"I hate you Malfoy." I spat out of my mouth, not even thinking before I said it. But I don't care anymore. After what he said to me, he obviously doesn't care about me either. With that undeniable coldness and deception, I could really care less about his feelings right now.

"The feeling is mutual. I never want to see your disgusting face again." He says to me as he leaves and goes towards Crabbe and Goyle who were inside waiting for him.

The clouds are more gloomy than ever. If my luck wasn't already bad, it starts raining, great.

I can't hold it in anymore. I break down and cry in the shadows. I don't want anyone to see me like this.

My heart feels like it was shattered into six-trillion pieces of sharp shards, stabbing me inside. My emotions are everywhere, I'm sad and then I'm angry. Absolutely furious at Drac— Malfoy. And myself for not realizing sooner. Something inside of me feels empty. I feel like I just lost a part of me.

All those warm, happy, memories were all just a big lie. Lies, lies, lies. A lie from the upmost pity. I'm so pitiful that Malfoy even pitied me. He pitied me enough to try to help me as my pitifulness annoyed him to that point. He even tried to be nice to me, probably so that I can be less annoying to him and then he could finally leave me alone.

It's so unfair. I can't explain anything right now. He's right, I am a talentless imbecile unlike Hermione Granger.

I let out a scream of agony.

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