Reading Between the Lines?

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y/n POV

Man, Draco is being quiet. Kinda awkward, and my face feels stuffy in this atmosphere. I wonder if something is up? Whatever, gotta break the silence.

"Hey, wanna go to the library..?", I ask while avoiding at looking at him, for some reason I feel my mind popping with colours when I do, "I kinda need help with researching for my essay, haha." I'm hoping he is willing to help me, I mean, he has before but sometimes he was too busy that day so he had to decline.

"Oh sure..." He replied with, his tone of voice was quiet, it almost sounds if he were mumbling. But okay! I feel ecstatic that I can spend more time with him!

Third-person POV

Y/n and a hooded Draco Malfoy head to the Hogwarts library from the courtyard. While they were walking in the hallway, Crabbe and Goyle saw that y/h muggle and a very discrete Slytherin alongside her from afar. They decide to carefully tail them, making sure not to get caught.

Y/n and Draco enter the library, with Crabbe and Goyle entering shortly after them and maintained their distance. Y/n and Draco sit at a table in the library, Crabbe and Goyle sit at a different table from there where they could still have a peak at them. They hid beneath books to be safe and peaked above them occasionally. They were waiting for until Draco took off his hood or if he were left alone so that they can confront him.

Draco POV

L/n and I sit at a table in the library, we end up here quite often as we can due to l/n always needing my assistance and knowledge. I mean I'm not really complaining, but whenever we get to be alone and spend time with each other like this, I always end up glaring at her for some reason. I can't tell if she's an ugly ogre or if I find her a quater-average. Or maybe a teensy bit more. Only maybe. You know.

"Hold on, I think I'm missing a book I need." y/n expresses as she stands up and turns to the bookshelf behind her. She spots a book above her and tries to reach for it on her tippy-toes. L/n's struggling, haha, maybe she really needs my gracious help.

I chuckle and she heard it. She turns around and sticks her tongue out at me, well-aware I'm teasing her. I stick out my tongue at her too, playfully mocking her. Somehow, she brightens me.

y/n POV

Draco is teasing me again..! Ugh, what a jerk... Yeah... jerky-douchebag... Whatever, I can't reach this book! Like I almost have it but I can't seem to get it.

Suddenly, my finger tips feel a warm sensation. It was someone's hand, Draco's hand..! He helps me get down the book for me. But then, he puts it waaay above his head, making me have to jump for it! He must be having fun like this, huh? Woow.

Eventually after trying to jump like a hopeless hare, he hands it to me and our hands touch. They're very surprisingly... warm..?

Under his hood, I can catch him smiling. He pulls over his hood way too much than it can to hide his whole face, but it eventually goes back to where I can at least see his nose and mouth.

Does this mean he likes me..? Why do I feel so warm inside..?

Third-person POV

Draco was eager and determined to help y/n as he loved helping her, even if he didn't realize it sometimes. He always feels like he can't help but smile with her, he has to fight the smiles breaking out very often. They continued to study and research together.

After a little while of helping y/n, she had to go to the bathroom. This left the Mystery Malfoy alone, which was the perfect opportunity for Crabbe and Goyle to strike.

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