Chapter 18 | School Field Trip

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Liz Walker POV

The next day, Liz's history class is sent on a field trip to the local museum. A crowded group of students stood in front of the museum steps, listening to the museum curator, Ms. Nomura. "I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal. I assure you, the truth is far more interesting, and there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery."

Liz stood to the side next to Claire, listening with intrigue in history. Meanwhile, the rest of her classmates sighs with boredom as Eli gasped in wonder. Strickler hadn't missed the faces of his students, so he decided to speak up. "Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. Don't you think?"

Without hesitation, the class ran off in different directions as Claire pulled Liz along with her. Everyone leaves the two grown-ups, invading the museum. Inside, Claire's grip loosens on Liz, enthralled by their surroundings. Liz took her time behind the rest of her class, her eyes wandering over displays of various artifacts until her steps gradually slowed when she began sensing an aura of magic coming from behind large white drapes, closing off a section of the museum. Feeling as though a string is pulling her, Liz walks toward the opening between closed drapes, a "do not enter" sign posted in front of it. The magic she sensed felt more potent as she stood before the opening. That's weird. What could be emanating magic in a place like this?

Curious, Liz reached her hand out towards the opening between the drapes when suddenly a voice called out from behind her. "If you're wondering, that area is under renovation."

Glancing behind her, Liz sees the museum curator looking down at her with a plastered grin. Liz quickly withdrew her hand and faced Ms. Nomura, greeting her with a charming smile. "Sorry, Ms. Nomura. I couldn't help myself but be curious."

"A curious mind that tends to wander. A limitless and powerful trait, I must say, but dangerous when used without caution. I advise you to tread carefully to be on the safe side." Ms. Nomura said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Liz said, immediately sensing something off with the lady, but she could not pinpoint out why. Taking a step backward, she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. "I'm going to go catch up with the others before they get too far ahead. It was nice talking with you, Ms. Nomura. I'll see you around."

Liz waved with a small grin before turning around and making her way further into the museum, away from the somewhat creepy museum curator. Without looking back, Liz did not see the curator's eyes flashing green for a quick second.



Liz climbed the stairway to the second floor, where her classmates explored. Liz catches sight of Jim and Toby hanging about, overhearing Toby share about possible prizes with a certain amount of tracker points. Walking towards them with a small wave of her hand, she greets them. "Hey, you two. See anything interesting?"

"Hey, Liz. Nothing much, but --," Jim was about to speak but was interjected by an excited Toby.

"Liz! Man, you should see these --," Toby began, but he too was interrupted when someone called out Liz's name. Turning her head, Liz sees Claire waving her over to a display case featuring a renaissance peasant dress.

"Be right there!" Liz said aloud, waving back to Claire before turning back to the boys. "Sorry about that, Toby. What were you going to say?"

"I was about to mention these awesome prizes, but I can share it with you another time." Toby shrugs. Quirking an eyebrow, Liz asks, "Are you sure?"

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