Intro to a long forgotten story of mine

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A dusty figure by the side of the road, smoking a cigarette. She looks at the museum across the street and sighs, knowing what the next few hours of the night will bring. And though it wouldn't be pleasant, though it would keep her up at night, it was necesarry. So she would do it, even if it sickened her. She sighs again, crushes her cigarette under her heel, and crosses the street, accepting her fate.

A women runs through the forest, desperately trying to lose the screeching, shifting being that was closing in on her. The wriggling bag slung over her shoulder wasn't making it particularily easy either. But she couldn't leave it, so it stayed there.

Eventually, she comes to a point where she can't run anymore, and is forced to face the beast. She scrambles to open her bag, her shaking hands barely able to find the charges and load them into her crossbow. And the beast closes in on her she lets the bolt fly, hoping that her aim is accurate, even in the dark. The bolt hits true, and the horror goes down with an ear splitting screech, and drags its self away from her as the iron burned it like fire

As she stopped running, she dropped the burlap sack at her side, preferring to drag it instead of carrying it over her shoulder. She whistles for her dogs, and they come running as she drags her writhing bounty across the forest floor, walking back towards the city. She'd have to hurry, an iron bolt in the things side wouldn't be enough to keep it away for long

A cloaked figure wanders the halls of a place long forgotten, their owl mask hiding their face as they walk past shelve upon shelve of books, towering high above them. They seem to have found the right shelf, because they paused before they began to flip through the books, searching. Just as quickly as they've begun, they stop, hearing and feeling the thundering footsteps coming up behind them.

They press themselves against the shelf and hold their breath, trying to stay as still as possible as a creature who's name and origin has been lost to time passes by, hoping, praying that it won't see them. It passes, and they continue their search.

They breathe a sigh of relief as they finally come upon the tome they require, and they stow it away in the folds of their cloak before turning back, more then eager to rid themselves of this wretched place

A trio wades through shallow water, searching for something that was unfindable. They look up at the night sky, knowing that there is not enough time. There is never enough time

A terrified screech sounds from one as something wraps Itself around their foot and pulls, dragging them into deeper water. the other two rush to their side, grabbing onto the thing and prying it off of their companion, before retreating back to the safety of dry land

They walk out of the lake, sopping wet and defeated. Their impossible search would have to wait until morning to be continued

But despite all of this, they are all under the same night sky, and they are all, in (TownName)

I see all of this and more, for I am your friend, your enemy, and most important of all, I am your narrator for this night. I am(name,) and this, is (name)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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