"Okay, but just for tonight. As soon as morning hits, I will look for another place to stay."

"No! I can't let you be all alone out there knowing someone might be after you to finish the job they started that night you got shot. I'm sorry, I just can't."

"But, I... I can't just interfere with your life. You've already done enough here."

"You're not interfering! As I said, I live alone and I'm here all day. I have a spare bedroom you can use. I promise, if you want, you won't even know I'm there. I need you to take good care of yourself and heal before I can send you anywhere else."


"Okay? So you'll do it?"

"Just until the funeral. After that I have to go back to Duskwood. I have so much to do and I have no more time to waste."

"As long as I see you feeling better, I won't stop you or be in your way. Now let's get you checked out of here. My shift is over too actually, so we can go together."

I don't know how to thank..."

"You don't need to! I'm more than happy to help. Now, go to the front and wait for me. I'll be there in a few."

I really didn't know how to thank him. I felt like a little lost child in a huge city, just being thrown around from place to place. Duskwood had become a mess, Silas was now gone, I had to find a way to get Jake out, and plus on top of all that manage to remain sane and take care of myself. With everything that happened lately, I was sure that even Jake and I would never be the same. I was completely lost! I felt empty, scared, confused, exhausted, in pain, and just completely clueless to what I was going to do next. If I had to be completely honest, I wish I was the one that died. My life just didn't seem to make any sense anymore. I felt like the harder I tried to make things right, the more of a mess everything was becoming. I couldn't face losing anybody else, and I was scared that slowly I was losing everyone.

"We're free to go. I got you signed out, are you ready?"

"As ready as I could possibly be.

We make our way through the hallway of the hospital and we pass by the room, the room Silas was in. He was no longer there, it was just an empty bed and a room which seemed huge with no machines, wires and his body laying there. It was all so empty, and that's exactly how I felt... just like that room. Empty!!!

Evan and I walk past the room, into hallways that seem to divide not only the hospital but also the person I was when I came in here from the person I was now. I know he wanted to ask me a million questions, I could tell. But he didn't! He just walked and led me to the huge parking lot that was filled with hundreds of cars. As I looked at those cars, I couldn't help but wonder how many people would never get to drive back home. How many people would be leaving the hospital without a loved one, and how many of those people were fighting for their lives without even knowing it might be their last time. I was one of those people! I was the one who came in here and was now leaving without that someone.

I can't even begin to explain how I was feeling, knowing that one day we wake up thinking it's going to be another normal day only to have our whole lives turned upside down within a short amount of time. It just doesn't seem real!!! I had tears falling down my face which I tried to hide from Evan seeing. As each tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it off before he could see. He knew I was crying, because when I least expected it, he turned around and got me into his arms and hugged me.

"Stop crying please. I can't stand seeing the tears in your eyes. I know how much it hurts, I completely understand. I've been in your shoes and I know it seems like your whole world is falling apart."

In The Blink Of An EyeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα