Chapter 19

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                            Wade's POV

I continued the flight to Wakanda, flying straight through the barrier. I landed the jet as some badass warrior women started surrounding the jet.

I raised my hands up in surrender as they pointed their spears at me. "I come in peace!" I shouted, "I need your help, my friend, Ravana, needs someone who I think is named Shuri?" With that the warriors started boarding the jet carring Ravana to I guess her name is Shuri who was running out with a streacher. The warriors quickly placed her on it and started carting her twords the palace. Mason walked out, "Who the hell where they?" He asked standing next to me, "Badass warrior women." I responded walking twords where the women and Shuri ran off twords. Mason soon followed me through the high tech palace.

I walked into Shuri's workspace with Mason tailing me. I noticed Shuri amputating Ravana's arm and replacing it with some sort of metal arm, along with removing the crisp and burnt skin while she plated it with the same kind of metal.

 I noticed Shuri amputating Ravana's arm and replacing it with some sort of metal arm, along with removing the crisp and burnt skin while she plated it with the same kind of metal

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Think of Bucky's vibranium arm)

About an hour after the surgery Ravana's pulse was stable, and her arm was looking more dope than ever. Seriously though it was amazing! She is going to be so excited about it, then I remembered Yelena. How she had slipped away and fully commited to HYDRA. Ravana was going to be pissed once she woke up and I had to explain what happened. Shuri said she had to replace her arm and part of her torso, she had a few broken ribs, a crap ton of brain damage, a broken leg, a fractured foot, and of course alot of scraches, cuts, and minor burns and bruses, scatered all throughout her body. She soon started to stirr as I sat next to her, waiting not so patiently for her to awake.

                        Ravana's POV

I started to awake from the darkness I was in as my eyes fluttered open. I felt an instant pain run throughout my entire body, I groaned as I heard Wade's worried voice. "Hey, easy there, take it easy. You fell off a cliff and got stabbed in the back. You need to take it easy for now." I looked to my left side, noticing a metal arm that wasnt mine. I shreeked then screamed, "What the fuck is that!" As I jumped out of the bed, lifting the arm with my right one, shaking it a bit. Then poking it away with my right index finger. My face filled with confusion for the next few seconds. "Okay then." I stated, finally at peace with my new arm, I sat back down on my bed. "Okay, I'm good. Continue." I gestured to Wade. He chuckled and pulled his chair up and sat in it backwards. "So, Yelena, she stabbed you in the back, quite literally." I moved a little just now noticing the numbing pain that was shooting through my spine. I groaned, shifting my shoulders. "Then she threw you off a cliff, hence why you have a new arm." Wade finished, gesturing to my new vibranium arm.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن