Chapter 12

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                               Yelena's POV

I was woken by the sound of my alarm meaning I needed to meet in the war room. Once I got there Steve and Ravana were there. "Ahhh, she decides to show up." Steve joked, already sitting at the head of the table. "Shut up, it's early." I replied, as I sat in the chair on the right side of Steve, opposite of Yelena as I rested my head on the glass war room table. "Well now that we're all here it's best to get started." Steve started, I groaned as I lifted my head, my new necklace clanked against the table as I did so. "Nat's been captured by HYDRA," I immediately perked up in my seat, hearing that my sister's been captured made me realize I needed to get my shit together, "who's apparently been using Ultron tech. She had tracked down the base, and stupidly went alone, but luckily she pinged me the location before she was captured." Steve finished the briefing, "How are us three going to break her out." I asked, "Correction you two are going to break her out." Steve stated, I groaned even louder before speaking, "There is no way I'm doing this with her." I pointed at Ravana who generally looked hurt as she lowered her head, which was a win for me. "Well I have better things to do." Steve answered, getting up from the table. I got up shortly after he left the room. I got up and started to walk out stopping at the door turning my head so my chin was over my shoulder, "You coming or not?" I asked harshly, I heard Ravana scramble out of her chair and follow me as I walked twords one of the jets. She was also was wearing her necklace and ring. Once we had reached the jet Yelena took co-pilot and I sat in the pilot's seat, soon we were headed for Rio De Janeiro.

                              Ravana's POV

Yelena's been stiff since she found out Nat had been captured. I glanced to my right catching Yelena's hazel eyes, she sat there stiff as a board staring out into the nothingness in front of the jet. I commanded my suit to de-spand into it's original necklace form, as I placed it's breifcase along with it's ring. I'll have to admit it was a nice upgrade from my old Red Skies suit, it fit and expanded perfectly around my body, unlike my old one which was tight in some places and loose in others, it was also much lighter mostly because it didn't have tactical armour. I glanced back at Yelena this time for a little longer, the entire flight so far was so tence, you could cut it with one of Yelena's throwing knives. I continued to stare as she looked straight ahead into the morning sky, the sun was just starting to make an appearance. "I can feel you staring you know." Yelena spoke into the mic on her headset. I quickly looked away as she let out a chuckle. "Are you okay?" I asked as she glanced back at me with confused face. She looked me in the eye as she spoke. "Why wouldn't I be?" I started, "Well for starters, Nat's-" She cut me off, "Shut up." Her expression became cold as she looked back out the window. I let go of the controls and let her fly as I walked back to the cargo hold. I found my black duffle bag and dug through it looking for my holsters, swords, pistols, shield, and bow.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Two of those)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Two of those)

I kissed my pistols grateful they were both okay after all the things I've ever done with them

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I kissed my pistols grateful they were both okay after all the things I've ever done with them. I dumped the rest of the stuff out of my bag and shoved my weapons including my ring and necklace which were in a briefcase, slinging it over my shoulder as I started to walk back to Yelena. I placed the bag behind my seat as I buckled myself up. We sat in silence for awhile as I continued thinking about what to say or do. I finally came to the conclusion that maybe if I opened up to her a little then maybe she'd open up to me. I started talking, "You know ever since I've been freed from the mind control I don't know who I am or what I like to do. Like you don't know which part is the real you." Yelena joined in on the last part looking into my lost eyes as her's darkened, "That's what it was like when I escaped, I had a real identity crisis, that I just drowned out with vodka and beer." There was a thump as one of the engines went out, the plane falling out of control. "I guess that means were here!" Yelena yelled over the sound of the wind whisking around the plane and sirens blaring which we were quickly loosing altitude. The front window had broken apart crashing down on them the wind was making everything harder to move, but somehow I had broken loose from my seat as I free fell over twords Yelena quickly ripping my wrist as I shoved it twords her face, I hoped some fell in her mouth as the plane finally colliding with the ground. The force sending me flying forward at a rapid speed making me land and slide about total of 150 yards.

I slowly started flickering in and out of consciousness as I started crawling twords the main wreak to look for Yelena hoping she survived. I looked down seeing blood and debris all over my body and clothes, I noticed a gash in my white tank top which was also running threw half my abdomen. I removed my shirt leaving just a tattered black sports bra to remain before I sat up tearing the upper half in half to wrap around my gash. Even with my healing abilities I knew that was going to take awhile to heal. I slowly stood up as I shouted for Yelena. I winced as I realized that I needed my abdomen to walk knowing I was going to feel the sides of the ravine like gash touch as I lurched forward determined to find Yelena. I searched the wreakage until I found her, dangled in her seat as it hung from a nearby tree which somehow wasn't yet polluted with wreakage. I collapsed under the tree trying to stay conscious from the lack of blood and catch my breath. I found a shard of glass nearby as I picked it up and threw it at the base of the seatbelt Yelena was in. Which released her into falling into more of the wreak. I started to get up slowly and started limping over to her, I then dragged her back to under the tree. I sat down and placed her in front of me, as started examining her wounds. So far she was unconscious, had a severe cut on her left leg which I wrapped up with the remaining part of my shirt. But mostly she was healing which ment that some of my blood had gotten to her mouth. Once I was done I sat her over my lap as I held her torso up with my right arm. I examined her face which had blood running down the sides of it along with probably a broken nose and some cuts all over it. I realized that holding her up was taking a toll on my own energy as I became lightheaded. So I sat her up against my chest which was great because of putting pressure on my abdomen wound as I soon passed out.

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