Allies by our side, time to take the fight to them, Showdown at judicial island

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we tried to make to Robin but the csp 9 stopped us. We ended up getting thrown off the train but luckily reunited with luffy and the others. As we head to judicial island. Rex laughed as luffy and chopper admired uso- I mean sniperking.  Rex remembers when he ask franky how he knows gauna. Franky told him he was the guy who gave him his cyborg parts. Soon they made it to judicial island. It was ginormous, Rex and luffy head before everyone. They slingshot themselves all the way to island, they get past the gate and see a island floating over huge hole. A lot of towns. Then they almost get shot by the guards and head to the main island. The make short work of guards.

Luffy: where is Robin?!

Rex: yeah!

They jump over the other wall to the main island. Rex could here all the others making it to the place. But no swords or kicks. Rex and luffy pressed forward. As luffy went up, Rex bulldozed through everything, but then he noticed luffy gets himself cornered over a cliff, but he pulls out and deals with them. They pressed forward and soon the straw hats made it on the island. Rex and luffy. They finally made it to Enies Lobby, but between them and a lot of but kicking was a bridge less gap.

Luffy: all right, but there's no path. Although it's a bit far, I guess, I'll try jumping. 

Luffy jumps down but then they see something.

???: air door.

As if there was a invisible door, a door opens a dark green tunnel and out walks on of the CP9, Blueno.

Luffy: how you do that. That was amazing! Is that a magic trick

Rex: it's not a magic trick.

Then the bull dude started talking smack. Angry luffy and Rex.

Luffy: out of my way bull

Blueno: how long are you planning to keep fighting?

Luffy gets in a stance, and smiles.

Luffy: until I die.

Then there fight comense 

As Blueno falls, Rex was amazed at luffy new strength.

Rex:[thoughts] amazing, he must've been in a situation where his body must have been pinned and his rubber released steam, making him faster and firing air as strong as his fist.  He really showing that having any devil fruit you can be the strongest. And what could third gear be.

Luffy: I'm exhausted.

They waited on the top as the others and straw hats arrived as they work and bring the bridge down. Then luffy yells.

Luffy: Robin! I've come to get you!

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Rex seeing the destruction behind.

They then see an explosion and out burst franky Guana and Robin. Rex and luffy were happy but then the CP9 appeared and took out franky and gauna, now all of them stand before luffy and Rex.

Luffy: listen up Robin. We've already come this far

Then the floor/ceiling burst open and out flys everyone out. Luffy continues his talk as everyone gathered one by one. Luffy made Robin answer, she continues to cry. Then luffy orders sniperking, he fires a flaming star, that destroys the judicial flag on enies lobby.

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