Chains lifting and the Brawler rises, here him Roar

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In the coliseum, zoro got himself, well completely lost. Somehow he was walking up a tower of some sort. He comes across a large door with locks on it. 

Zoro: wonder what's inside.

Zoro cuts the doors open and walks inside. All he sees was booze, a bed, and a pool in the middle of the room.

Zoro: what's all this.

Then something arose from the water and stared at zoro. Somewhere else, a group of soldiers walk down a hall, one of them goes down a different tunnel. He takes off his makes revealing to be Usopp.

Usopp: man I can't believe Nami making me do this.

Flashback, Usopp told them what happened

Robin: so chopper been defeated by the champion

Sanji: so now luffy and moss head  are competing for his and now their freedom.

Nami: well now we know what to do, free the people of the coliseum 

Usopp: wow Nami I didn't think you had it in you. 

Nami: then steal all that treasure.

Usopp: I knew it

Robin:  now we just need some one to go undercover, find zoro, luffy, and chopper, and inform them.

They all look directly at Usopp. He gulps knowing what's in store. Flashback over, Usopp sneaks down the halls( even though he's in armor) and finds himself in front of a vault door. He listen closer and heard screams.

Usopp: wait I know those screams

Usopp rushed inside and sees  a large shadow mouth looming over choppers head. Usopp removed his armor and rushes to chopper.

Usopp: let go of him you 

Usopp see a giant Lizard, teeth and all. Usopp starts trembling as the monster roars in his face. He nearly fell over until.

Chopper: wait 

The monster stops as chopper runs over and hugs Usopp.

Chopper: Usopp it's so good to see you.

Usopp: same to you pal, but mind telling me what's going on.

Chopper: oh right, meet my new friend, guana

Guana waves it took Usopp back.

Chopper: he said that he was saying hi

Usopp: well it hard to say hi when your roaring

Guana looks at himself and chuckles, he then starts shrinking Into a Chibi version of himself, the size of chopper. 

Usopp: okay that's better

Chopper: he says he's a friend of the champion, well pet. He says that he's a prisoner like everyone out

Usopp: oh well maybe he can help us out. Can you show us where he is

Guana nods and walks away. The two follow him to a hole.

Chopper: he says this will lead them to the champion 

Usopp nods and jumps down, so does chopper as guana waves goodbye. With zoro, he face to face with this fish man chick.

Zoro: oh great 

Akula: what do you want

Zoro: oh I was looking for a friend named chopper.

Akula: oh well he's not here. Names akula, the previous champion.

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