what's this, an Mobile island for fighters, set a course for arena island

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On the seas of the gran line lied a ship, it's flag had a unique strawhat. It was the going merry, the ship which held strawhat pirates: Zoro,Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, and the one and only Monkey D. Luffy. This pirate had has his fair share of adventure deafting the toughest pirates, still on his journey to become king of the pirates. And his journey just beginning has his next adventure is one to know. Luffy was resting at his favorite stop, which was the head of the ship when chopper walk over.

Chopper: hey luffy do you have any other brothers

Usopp: yeah is there anyone else

Luffy: anyone, hmm, oh yeah I got another brother.

Both: really. 

Luffy was about to them until sanji walks outside 

Sanji: hey foods ready

Luffy: meat 

Luffy jumps up and runs to the kitchen,

Both: hey what about us.

The rush to the kitchen and ate. Later the crew we relax as the sea was calm, then the Morgan's delivered the newspaper, along with something special. A flyer land on luffed head.  He wakes on sees the flyer.

Luffy: hey guys! 

Luffy jumps to the center as everyone 

Robin: what's so special 

Luffy: look

He how's them a flyer about a place called Arena island. Where the best of best fighters come and take on the champion to prove that  your the strongest. Any weapon granted.

Luffy: let's go

Zoro: I'm down to some action.

Luffy: let's go nami

Nami: no way, it's gonna mess up the log pose.

Robin: well actually Nami. Arena island is said to be a mobile island, so the log pose can't work.  

Luffy: cool so we can go 

Nami growls until suddenly she looks out to the distance. A waves of waves head to them

Nami: guys tidal waves.

They all look and saw the waves. Usopp puts on the goggles and looks closer. He then starts shaking.

Usopp: n-nami, those aren't just tidal waves.

Nami gets a telescope and looks closer. Her face showed absolute terror. The waves erupted full of sea kings.

Nami: those are sea king

Everyone freaks out as they flee they try an out run them but they were to fast.

Nami: too late it's over

They all screamed only for nothing to happen. All the sea kings pass or jumped over them. They were confused as a trail of fog roll in.

Usopp: the sea kings were scared. But of, What.

Then out of water comes a large creature. It lands on the ship making it rock. It gazed at the crew for a breif moment and jumps into the water after the sea kings. But luffy notice a shining object on its neck. Once the fog settles the straw hats are shocked.

Usopp: Something that can terrify a entire heard of sea kings

Sanji: let's not stick around and find out.

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