Chapter Five

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Serena had composed herself enough to join the rest of the camp at the bonfire. It was dark and she planned to hang around the back, no one would be able to tell she had been crying earlier. Hopefully.

The bonfire wasn't hard to find. Just follow the smell of smoke and the sound of voices and it led her right to it. It wasn't too far out but it had to be far enough away that it wouldn't cause any fire hazards.

She looked for Jackie in the crowd. She wanted to at least let her know she was there so she wasn't wondering if Serena had shown up or not.

It turned out to be easier to find her than she thought. All she had to do was find her brother and Jackie was standing right there beside him.

She bit back a groan. She really didn't want to deal with Noah and his pestering questions right now. She didn't really have a choice though as he caught sight of her and walked over, Jackie in tow.

"You don't just run off like," Noah started lecturing her, "Do you have any idea how worried I was? How any of us was? You don't just take off."

Serena sighed. "I'm sorry. There are just a lot more people than I was expecting and it's been a long day. Everything just kind of caught up to me. I just needed to get out."

Noah ran a hand through his hair. He looked like he wanted to say more but Jackie elbowed him in the ribs.

"Next time you need a breather, just let us know. Or come up with a hand signal or something. That way we can at least know what's going on." Jackie said.

Serena nodded. She could do that much. "I will."

"Go sit in the back tonight kiddo. It's about to start anyways. I'll come find you after to say goodnight."

Noah was a pain and a little protective. She didn't need him to check on her. She said as much but he just dismissed her.

She pushed her way through the crowd and found some open grass outside the huddled bodies. She plopped down and started picking at the grass. She should've never come here.

"Welcome everybody, to Meadow Plain's Summer Camp," an unfamiliar voice called out, "We are so excited to see so many new and old faces in our midst. For those who don't know who I am, my name is Jackson and I'm the camp director. Feel free to stop by to talk to me with any complaints, concerns, or if you just feel like talking. My cabin is an open door. We have so many fun activities planned this year for you guys. And I can't really take any of the credit because it's your counselors who put everything together. Speaking of counselors, I know they are dying to come out here and introduce themselves, so I won't take up too much of your time. Hopefully, you've read over your pamphlets and rulebook. If you have not done so, I would suggest you do so tonight. Your counselors will also go over it tonight or in the morning and you can ask them any questions you might have. Now, without further ado, your counselors!"

Serena decided then that Jackson was a bit too preppy for her liking.

All the counselors stepped out on stage and introduced themselves one by one. She tried her best to zone Skyler out when it was his turn, but she couldn't help but tune in. She made the mistake of looking at him on stage. He caught her gaze and held it. She turned away quickly. She could still feel his eyes on her.

The counselors all shuffled off the stage except one, Rosalynn. "The counselors and I have been working on a performance to put on for you all. Tonight, we would like to start our camp experience by performing the story of how werewolves were made. There is a lesson to be learned, one we all must follow. We present to you, the Legend of Wolf."

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