町 (The Town)

Comincia dall'inizio

"I'm fine."  He sighed and stepped back.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, feeling the wind behind me. I spread my arms out like they were wings and got as close as I could to the edge once again.

Then I fell.


Val's P.O.V

"What the fuck do you guys mean you do not know where she is? I thought you guys had her under supervision?!" I shook my head in disbelief. If it isn't one thing, then it is the other. No one could provide me with an answer, just doctors and security stammering over words. It has been two hours since her disappearance.

Abel was in another room, knocked out because of the strong medication and getting every and all tests done on him. He looked okay though. I hoped he was okay. The last thing I needed was Abel gravely injured on top of a missing Amber.

"We did hourly checks throughout the day, the last check being at 9pm. That's when she takes her sleeping medication. We came in at 8am this morning and she was here. We came back at 9am and assumed she had been checked out for her physical therapy."

"And look where assuming got us. My sister is fucking missing!" I went towards the empty sunken bed. I wanted to cry but the tears couldn't form.

Anxiety attacks, mental breakdowns, and now a disappearance. I couldn't help but laugh. It started out as a chuckle, but the more I thought about it, the louder I got. Anxiety attacks? Mental breakdowns? Disappearing? That's me! That's my routine!

"I did the same thing about two years ago. I left Canada out of the blue and came to live here. She didn't know where I was until a few months ago."

Maybe I was talking out loud to get some sense out of this situation. Although Amber was definitely the most sane out of both of us, we still carry the same blood of our demented parents. I mean, logical and calm Amber wasn't always logical and calm a few years back. So she disappeared? She'll pop up somewhere, just like I did. It'll probably be a few months from now, but she'll pop up. She had to.

I started to look through the drawers of the nightstand. There was a picture of Amber and Abel in what I assume is Japan. Next to it was a diamond necklace, the diamond necklace she was wearing when she got to Cali so I can only assume Abel got it for her.

Now I started to laugh so hard, I started to cry.

"Val, what the hell is your problem?" I looked up at Jacques, forgetting he was even in the room.

"I left Canada because of Abel. He consumed me, all I knew was him. So I had to leave to start fresh, start new. Yeah there were other reasons besides him, but he was definitely number one. And now look at this shit. She left the diamond necklace. She left the photo. He's the fucking common denominator in this shit! So how the hell can I not laugh?!"

I opened up the second drawer to see only a notebook with Amber's name on it. I opened it up to see journal entries dated back to when Abel and her went to Japan. I started to skim through it, just gazing over each page. Jacques tried to stop me, attempting to take the book away, but I pulled away, my eyes frozen on one particular page. He looked over my shoulder and I'm sure he was focused on the same paragraph I was on.

** Another fight, another bruise. It has gotten way worse these past few weeks. I don't know what is happening, I wish I could read his mind. I wish I could better understand his needs and wants. Every night he's out late, every night he comes back cross-faded. Something is eating him up and I just want to help him, but I can't fucking help someone that doesn't want to be helped. This can't keep going on like this. It gets really good, so good and then it just plummets down, making this relationship feel like hell. We fight and end up with scars and bruises, emotional and physical. I don't like this cycle of us. I need to go. I need to leave but I don't feel like I can. **

Well clearly she did.

"Who would've thought?" Jacques said.

"I would've. Let me correct myself, I should've." I said, under my breath. I started to skim through the pages once more, reading the last entry she put in. It was dated three days ago.

•• Got a call from someone unexpectedly, wishing me a safe recovery. It was even more unexpected that she came to visit. It was a great visit. **

My face scrunched up in confusion. I spoke to Amber two days ago and she didn't mention anything about a visit. I turned the page, but it was empty. That was the last thing she wrote.

"Call the cops."

"But ma'am in order to put in a missing person's report, it has to be at least 48 hours." said one of the security guards. I turned his way, making sure my eyes burned into his.

"And she wouldn't be missing if someone did their fucking job. A hospital patient that has been having mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks is fucking missing because y'all chose to assume instead of choosing to see where the fuck she had gone. So if ANYTHING happens to her, then YALL are at fault. Now I do suggest you call the cops to try to minimize the fucking lawsuit y'all got on y'all asses."

I walked out, pushing the stunned security guard out my way. I needed air, fresh, new air to enter my lungs. I couldn't quite grasp the fact that Amber grew some balls and decided to skedaddle and leave. In fact, I knew she didn't. She didn't do this alone. I love my sister to death despite all the shit we've been through, but if there is one thing I know about Amber is that she couldn't have ran away alone. Everything was too thought out. She's been thinking about this for months and shit, was probably thinking about this in her coma too.

And yet, still decided to be with him even when her intuition was telling her the opposite. Even if she told him to leave, she didn't want him to go. Her love swayed the lies and tried to make something valuable out of something valued at trash. But who am I to say anything?

"You alright?" Jacques stood beside me, smoking a blunt. All I could do was slightly nod my head up and down. I wasn't alright, but I will be.

"Wanna pull?" he handed me a half-smoked blunt, but I denied it. I needed to stay somber, even if my soul wanted to be up in the clouds. He nodded his head, understandingly.

"If I didn't set up what I did, this wouldn't have happened man. I'm sorry Val."

My face scrunched up in confusion.

"This isn't your fault. If it wasn't today, it would've been tomorrow or any other day. She's been planning this for the longest and with someone too. I bet you it was that person that visited her."

He agreed and just kept pulling at his blunt. Five minutes past and the shit was gone. Soon enough, I see a detective's car pull up front. As soon as they get out, I greet them.

"Hello, officers. My name is Valerie Davis. My sister Amber is missing, I'm sure the hospital already told you."

"Yes we are aware. Just allow to do our job and if we need you, we will call you. Give your number to my partner. I do suggest for you to go home and get some rest. This will not be easy."

He patted me on my shoulder and entered the hospital. I was astounded by how easily I was brushed off. I could've told him off, but I bit my tongue, not wanting to harm the investigation. I gave my number to his partner and watched him go inside the hospital. I looked at Jacques, just dumbfounded.

"Wanna smoke now?"


Dare I say I'm back now? 😭

This took me some time to write in all honestly, just to get back in the groove of things. I will say this though:

This book is ending VERY, very soon. I want to say in at least three chapters. Possibly four? But most likely three.

And yes. There is a third book.


@hxoneyyy - ig

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