Mara stared angrily at everyone, how could they turn their backs on someone who brought so much joy to the children and the village. She clenched her fist as she shouted angrily at them.

"Fine, then I'm banished too!" She grabbed Aang's hand and turned her back on her village as she exclaimed to the boy softly. "Come on, Aang, let's go."

Katara quickly stood by Sokka watching her sister walk away sadly, as she chased after the younger girl.

"Where are you going?" Katara asked worriedly.

"Aang is going to take me around the world so I can learn all about different kinds of bending, we can find you a master Katara if you come with us." Mara explained to her sister as she looked up at her with a hopeful gaze.

Katara let a sad smile play on her lips as she saw how excited and hopeful her younger sister was, she hasn't seen this side of her in forever. Aang looked at Mara with the same dopey grin he always uses when he sees her, and Katara couldn't help but smile wider. 

"I am? Great, come on Katara, it'll be fun." Aang said as he looked at the older girl with a wide smile.

Katara wanted so badly to go with her younger sister, to travel with her and her soon to be husband. But it wouldn't be complete without their idiot brother Sokka, and Katara couldn't leave him behind even if she wanted to. Sokka, hearing what both Aang and Mara were saying, looked at his two sisters with wide eyes as he questioned them.

"Mara, Katara, would you really choose him over your tribe, your own family?"

Mara paused as she watched Katara for a moment, before looking over at her tribe and she couldn't help but frown. Knowing deep in her heart that she couldn't leave without one of her siblings with her, or both. Aang glanced down at the girl he liked and frowned as well, he squeezed her hand making her look at him.

"Mara, I don't want to come between you and your family." Aang said to the girl, she watched him squeeze her hand before letting go and walking towards Appa.

"So you're leaving the South Pole?" Mara questioned the Airbender, as she looked at the ground sadly. "This is good-bye?"

Aang quickly turned around when he heard the sadness in the girl's voice, he rushed up to her and grabbed both of her hands as he said with a weak smile.

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me."

"Where will you go?" Mara questioned again, as she squeezed his hands.

"Guess I'll go back home and look for the Airbenders." He paused as a thought came to mind. "Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years, not looking forward to that."

Mara let out a watery giggle at that, Aang let go of the girls hands and air-bended himself up onto Appa's head. He smiled at the villagers as he said.

"It was nice meeting everyone."

Katara quickly wrapped her sister up in a hug, knowing the younger girl was about ready to cry. Sokka glared up at the boy as he crossed his arms over his chest and said.

"Let's see your bison fly now, Airboy."

"Come on Appa you can do it." Aang said encouragingly. "Yip, yip."

Appa groaned and tried flying himself off the ground, but decided against it and just stood on his feet. One of the little girls wailed loudly as she ran up to Katara and Mara as she looked up at him with watery eyes.

"Aang, don't go." She cried slightly. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Aang said as he looked sadly at her before looking over at Mara, who looked up at him with the same watery eyes. "Come on boy."

The three girls watched as Appa walked away with Aang on his head, the little girl whimpered and turned around and began walking away from the two older girls. Gran Gran walked up to the two girls, as she said softly to Mara.

"Mara, you'll feel better after you….."

"Are you happy now?" Mara questioned her grandmother, tearing herself away from her sister's grip to stare angrily up at her grandmother. "There goes my one chance at learning and studying all of the elements! Katara's one chance to become a water-bender!" 

Mara angrily walked away from her grandmother and Katara, the older woman stared after her younger granddaughter sadly before turning to Katara.

"I'm only trying to protect the both of you." Gran Gran explained to the older girl. "You're both not ready for the world, more so her. She's so hopeful that the world can change but it won't."

"How do you know that we're not ready? How do you know if she's not ready when you won't even let her take the first step in the direction she wants to go." Katara told her grandmother before chasing after her sister.

Sokka stood in front of the fort as he ordered the male children around, knowing that they had to be ready for when the Fire Nation came.

"Alright, ready our defenses! The Fire Nation could be on our shores any moment now!" 

One boy turned around and raised his hand in the air, using one hand to cover his parts as he said.

"But I gotta…"

"And not potty breaks!" Sokka yelled angrily as he pointed for the boy to go into the fort.

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