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It's been a few hours since the 'cry fest' as you would call it. Charlie hadn't said a syllable about it to any of the others, and you said nothing about what he had said before the aforementioned cry fest. You gained information that Ellis had a small crush on Toby, which you instantly approved. Ellis made a bet with Toby that if they got together, you and Charlie would get together, too, which made you curious, if you and Charlie got together first, would they still get together.

Eventually Wilbur beat level 60 of PAC-Man, beating your score. Phil told you that Buns really liked getting Charlie to wake up in order to see you in the middle of the night. Buns had only meowed innocently in his own defense. You believed Phil more, to be honest.

But now, you sat down at the dairy section, staring at all of the expired beverages and foods around you. For the first time in a long time, you wondered how you've survived this long. How, in a world being destroyed by its own people, had you survived?

Maybe because you saw what happened? Maybe because you had taken a survival class before college? Maybe the Infecteds cared for you somehow? Or, maybe you had friends to help you through the chaos of it all? You couldn't think of anything else since Charlie came behind you and grabbed you in a bear hug again.

"There, there, no more deep thought!" Charlie whispered to you, rocking you slightly. You quickly relaxed into his arms, a satisfied grin on your face. "So, uh..." His voice turned slightly awkward, possibly flustered. "About earlier? At PAC-Man?"

You took a deep breath and nodded. You knew this was coming, you just weren't exactly certain on how you would be answering. "What about it...?"

"You, uh, said..." He seemed just as nervous as you were, maybe even more so. "I could only make out a little bit, but I'm pretty sure I heard you say that you'd like me to stay by your side. So, I was wondering if you meant that platonically or romantically bec--" He takes in a deep breath and slows his speed of speech. "--ause I really, really like you. I'd like to know if you feel the same way."

You gave him a momentarily blank stare, before laughing quietly. His soft, genuine look morphed into one of confusion and slight sadness at your instant reaction -- of which was just a cover-up for your anxiety being let out.

"Charlie, I want you by my side for as long as you're willing to be," was your answer, and a fine answer it was. You just wish that you had been out his grip when you said it, because he practically crushed your ribs with just a hug.


It's been a few weeks since you got with Charlie, and things were flying pretty smoothly. The worst thing to have happened recently was Ellis and Tommy catching the flu.

Now, you were out and about with Charlie -- gun locked and loaded. Toby -- hat and new bracelet from Ellis protecting him from the worst. And Ranboo -- mask and glasses off, moving swiftly through the city, axe in his hands.

This was meant to be a supply run, but you've gone so far with none to gain. The sun was setting slowly behind you, which would be romantic if Toby and Ranboo weren't there. It was still nice, of course, but it could be more.

Suddenly, the speakers (that you and Tommy made conspiracies about the random appearance of weeks ago) started crackling. Through the apparent static, a man's voice is heard.

"STAND DOWN," he called out, frightening Ranboo half to death. "THE EXPERIMENT IS OVER. THE CAUSES HAVE BEEN REDACTED."

"Causes have been redacted?" Toby asks quietly, raising a brow at you. Ranboo looked frightened, clinging to Toby's arm, and Charlie had an abnormal amount of concern in his eyes.


"WORLD RESET?" Charlie yelled, suddenly grabbing your arm. "NO! NO, I CAN'T LOSE-"

But his voice was cut off. You don't even know how you remember his name or what he looks like... or anything of your story. It was all wiped clean when you were taken to this stark white place to create the cure.

The cure to whatever was happening to all of those people... The story spoke of "Infecteds" and you assumed that was their name.

However, you only wished to see Charlie again. You doubted you'd ever stop loving him, even in death.


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