41 | Mirrored Blades

Start from the beginning

"...Who are you talking to?"

Just then, the deep, honey-like voice of a man called out to her, a hint of amusement trickling from his words. At first, it was familiar yet unrecognisable — as if she knew she heard the smooth timbres of the words before, but couldn't put a finger on where.

It had been so long since she heard it, that her mind froze for a brief moment. But the moment the man behind her spoke up again, all her memories resurfaced in her mind.

"...You've grown so much since I last saw you, Irene."

That voice... I'm sure of it...

It belongs to...

Irene swivelled around on her heel, turning to face the man who stood several metres behind her. Her heart was racing, her mind a hurricane of thoughts. But the moment her eyes met with those familiar ruby irises, and watched those strands of silver hair sway around his handsome face, everything stopped for her, in that moment.

Rudien Alpheus Cherliann, was standing right in front of her. The cold-hearted duke she once despised for being a man who ignored his family. The frightening man who picked up an interest in her as a baby, but gradually grew to care about her as his child.

His body was as tall, lean and regal as the day he left. A gentle breeze swept from his direction and caused Irene's short hair to flutter, it carried with it the scent of winter mountains.

"What—" Irene's eyes were locked onto him in a mix of awe and disbelief. "I'm not hallucinating, am I?"

Rudien chuckled softly, tilting his head. He was still as beautiful as the day they last saw one another. Seeing the man before her now, Irene realised she had almost forgotten just how handsome the Duke of Cherliann really was.

It was then that he lifted both his arms, and kneeled down to the floor. As he opened himself up for a hug, his crimson eyes focused solely on his daughter.

"Why not come see for yourself? Whether I'm a hallucination or not."

And with those words - Irene didn't hesitate to run toward him at full speed. She jumped right into his arms, eyes blurring with tears. When she hugged him, all of the emotions came crashing at once - and even the adult inside the little girl found herself crying in joy. The man she had been relentlessly worried for, was finally back.

"You came back!" She cried, wrapping her little arms around his neck as his strong arms held her closely. Rudien's silver hair brushed against her face as he kissed her head. At last, the daughter he missed so dearly, was in his arms again.

Irene buried her face into Rudien's chest, as he chuckled softly at her words. "I made you a promise to return, did I not?" He was so big compared to her, she felt so cosy and safe in his arms.

I guess I've become as weak toward this father of mine as he is to his daughter.

"I've dreamt of this day for three years," he whispered. "Seeing you grow makes me sad I wasn't here to watch it..."

It was then that Rudien gently placed an arm beneath Irene's legs, and scooped her up from the floor with a single motion. As he carried her, Irene felt she was sitting on top of a tower. He was so tall, the world around them felt different.

So much time passed since her father picked her up like this. Back then - her little legs made her slow so she preferred getting a free ride. Though, now it was rather embarrassing. But Irene decided to stay like this just for a little while.

It was then she realised the fact that Rudien was here meant the war really was over at last. Izadel was totally defeated, and the army was to return to Laydel after cleaning up the mess, and allowing their soldiers to recover.

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