Chapter 28 - 'I love you'

Start from the beginning

Cole cuts me off "then you can help Mikey cook, the rest of us decided so it's 8 against 2"

I look at Mikey once the boys are distracted with drying themselves off

"We'll go down to the shops and get takeaway" Mikey bluntly says

Once we were all packed up we made our way up the street back to Mikey's beach house. The sunset was so nice. Cole and I walked behind everyone, my arms wrapped around his bare waist.

"Hey Harry?"

I look up to see Cole's perfectly doey brown eyes looking directly down on me


"Well I think I'm falling in-"

"Harry hurry up everyone wants dinner" Mikey yells.  Cole and I catch up to the others, Mikey tossed Ava the keys to the house as he started up his car.  Mikey drove a big family sized BMW and my small ass had trouble getting in it.

"Oh it's not that big" Mikey says noticing me struggling to climb in

Eventually I managed to climb in, buckle my seatbelt and shut the door to Mikey's amusement. We drove to the first town nearby. We were blasting music and singing along until we reached the town closest to the beach house.

We made our way to the dedicated fish and chips shop Mikey insisted we bought from. Apparently his parents would take him and his older brother here all the time when they were little. Mikey ordered a lot of food but I insisted I'd pay. With a lot of protest I managed to slip my card in front of his. I didn't want him paying since he was already letting all of us stay at the house.

"You look pale" Mikey says while we walk back to the car

"I guess" I shrug

"What's up, talk to your therapist" Mikey smiles at me and turns to face ahead.

"Well, I think Cole was about to tell me he loves me" I say , I struggled to get that out.

"Well... do you love him?"

"I think I do" I say

"Then it's all fine, look I know this is probably your what? First proper relationship? Let things come organically. Don't put too much pressure on your self"
Mikey finishes says as we reach the car.

"Care to drive?"

"Yeah.."I reply back


We arrive back at the house to see to my surprise the table was set, Ava was vacuuming and Cole and Hunter seemed to be getting along while standing outside having a beer. Blake and Alex were in the poor and I had no clue where Victor and Alicia went.

We all sat down to have dinner, together we laughed and spoke about what it's going to be like at college.

"Okay okay everyone join hands" Ava says. Most of us groan but eventually comply.

"Do we promise to stay best friends forever going forward, this is our group for college and we will never split apart" Ava says

"We do!" We all say in sync

After dinner, Ava, Mikey and I decide to wash up. We had to leave this place spotless when we left tomorrow otherwise Mikey would get in trouble.

I join Hunter on the balcony that leaned over the back yard. He had a glass of wine and he reminded me of a splitting image of what a successful businessman who was in his 30's would look like.

"Lil squirt! Your done cleaning, come here " Cole comes and hugs me and shifts himself so he's behind me.

"Look" he says "you can see the moon clearly tonight"

"Cole?" I look up


"About what you were saying before.."

Cole seems to shift from looking really relaxed to tense

"Oh uh that, don't worry it was stupid" he says, shakes his head and looks to the ground before heading inside. I just stood there shocked.

I look over the balcony and notice Alex and Blake splashing away in the pool. They must've gone back in after dinner. I swear those two were joined at the hip.

"Wanna join?" Blake calls out

"Nah I'm gonna head inside aren't you guys cold?"

"Nope" Alex shrugged

I went inside feeling tired. I let out a yawn to which Nick noticed when we crossed paths

"Go to bed, I'll make sure those two don't drown" He says giving me a warm smile

I head up to the room to see Cole sitting on the window seal. He didn't seem to notice me walk in until I was right next to him

"Sorry... uh if I scared you off or anything, I don't know what went through my mind. But you don't have to say anything uh, you don't even have to say it if you don't feel it yet but..." Cole seemed to be speaking gibberish.

"Shh" I say

"Harry , my parents weren't around, my older brother was off doing business and my older sister was raising Hannah... I never knew what it felt like to have someone there for me" He says still staring out the window.

"What are you saying?" I ask

Watching Cole open up these last few months really did a number on me. Not in like the bad kind but in the way that I didn't know what I'd do without him. He was like a addiction I'd crave. He wasn't the bully he used to be, he was ... Cole.

"Harry I think I'm in love with you" he finally blurts out. He turns around to face me , his eyes showed me he was being serious and telling the truth. Nothing but love was showed from his eyes. And that's when I knew it, I was completely and utterly in love with Cole Harvey. And nothing would change that.

"I love you too"


Hey! Thanks for reading this far. I like where the story is now and don't feel there's much more to write about in this story.
Although my next work, which is a continuation/sequel to this story is already in the process of being written. It is set directly when our group of teens start college. And I must say I have A LOT of ideas and plots for it. I'm excited

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